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She went through the first hours of the morning as best she might, though clearly under pressure of sharp suffering. But at about ten the floor-walker, for whom it must be said that he was responsible for the sales and general presentability of the department, saw her sitting down. "Why aren't you busy?" he called. "Get up."

I was just about to permit her graciously to pay me the money, for my friend? the dear Bishop's sake, of course, when a big floor-walker happened to catch sight of us. "If you'll come with me, Mrs. Van Wagenen, to a dressing-room, I'll arrange your collar for you," I said very loud. And then, in a whisper: "Of course, I understand, but the thing may look different to other people.

I went around there to-day and I found he meant a sort of floor-walker and then you said something one day" he paused and waited for the older man to take him up, but noting only a minute wince continued "about a position, so I thought I'd come and see you." "There was a position," confessed Mr. Macy reluctantly, "but since then we've filled it." He cleared his throat again.

So Arethusa was to take the automobile, as Elinor had a Board meeting of importance this morning and could not go with her; seek the magnificent establishment where she had accompanied her mother so many times to shop; inquire of a floor-walker the location of the department of shawls; purchase one of the same, and charge it to Elinor's name and address; and return home in the machine.

Bixby, once more consigning the tempestuously excited Arethusa to nothingness with her glance, "are the most decidedly ill-bred young person I ever saw!" She sailed away and sought the floor-walker. His glance, after a brief conversation with her, was sternly directed in the direction of the shawl department.

Lawrence all about Troy Wilkins and her mother and and perhaps even about Walter Babson. But she merely treasured up the thought that she could do that some day, and politely asked: "What about Mrs. Fike? Is she as bad as she seems?" "Why, that's the best little skeleton of contention around here. There's three factions. Some girls say she's just plain devil mean as a floor-walker.

For a moment the floor seemed sinking beneath Faith's feet, but it was not altogether from the effect of his words it was the shock of finding out that Miss Jones was treacherous. For a moment it seemed incomprehensible that she should have repeated her remark, but how else could the floor-walker have guessed that her letter was either from a "man" or "improper"?

This man, while a floor-walker in a dry-goods store, had attracted Witherspoon's notice, and a position in the Colossus, at that time an experiment, was given him. He recognized the demands of his calling, and he strove to fit himself to them.

The judge looked grave, and he glanced uneasily at the prisoner from time to time; but the same clear, steadfast eyes met his gaze, unsullied by a trace of guilt. Then the second woman corroborated the story of her associate, and the judge asked, "How came you to suspect the prisoner so strongly as to search her?" and at this point the floor-walker was summoned.

Never had he so stood forth in a crowd. He was a Bill Wrenn with the cosmopolitan polish of a floor-walker. He stood beside the fat man as a friend of sorts, a person to be taken perfectly seriously.