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Updated: September 2, 2024

"This matter concerns love complete and full or none. We will see each other again to-morrow. Then show me what the model Althea is worth to you." With these words she vanished in the darkness, while the call of her name again rang from the tents.

It didn't make him less funny to her that he should have been in love with Althea for fifteen years, rather it made him more so. Helen found it difficult to take either the devotion or its object very seriously.

After the shock of it her worst suspicions confirmed it was a deep qualm that Althea felt, a qualm in which she knew that something definite and final had happened to her; something sharp yet vague, all blurred by the balmy softness of the day, the sense of physical well-being, the beauty of green branches and bays of deep blue sky above.

During this conversation Althea had come to Thyone's side, and, as Hermon had already spoken to her of the Arachne, she eagerly expressed her belief that this work seemed as if it were specially created for him.

Already, for the sake of the good cause, he devoted himself with the utmost zeal to the task of convincing Althea; she, however, did not make it an easy one, but presented clever arguments against his assertions.

'And where is that attractive new friend of yours you wrote to me about the one you took care of in Paris the Scotch lady? 'Helen Buchanan? She is coming; she is in Scotland now. 'Oh, she's coming. I am to see her, I hope. 'You are to see everybody, dear Franklin, said Althea, smiling upon him. 'You are to stay, you know, for as long as you will.

He advanced now towards his beloved, after a slight hesitation, for the sunlight in which she stood as well as her own radiant appearance seemed to have dazzled him a little. Althea held out her hands, and the tears came into her eyes; it was as if she hadn't known, until then, how lonely she was. 'O Franklin, I'm so glad to see you, she said.

Althea steadied her own voice; she wished to strike him on the raw, and accurately; she could only do that by hiding from him her own great dismay. 'I could not have believed that Helen would marry a man merely for his money. She did not believe that Helen was to marry Franklin merely for his money.

For a long moment and in it they both recognised that the crash had come, and that they were struggling in dark, cold water Helen was silent. She kept her eyes on Althea and she did not move. Then, while she still looked steadily upon her, a slow colour rose in her cheeks.

Did her keen senses deceive her, or was not what was occurring actually a mysterious transformation? As Althea stood there, her delicate arms seemed to have lengthened and lost even their slight roundness, her figure to have become even more slender and incorporeal, and how strangely her thin fingers spread apart! How stiffly the strands of the parted, wholly uncurled locks stood out in the air!

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