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I cite this, gentlemen, merely as evidence that the disparity between the dollar and the doughnut isn't as great as some suppose." The third member of the committee, who had thus far spoken no word, peered curiously at Hal from above a hooked nose. He was Mintz, of Sheffler and Mintz. "Do I get you righd?" he observed mildly; "you're telling us to go where the selectmen sent Misder Babson."

"Ma got a letter last night when she rode over to the Centre, and Aunt Drusilla writes that she's coming to make us a three months' visit, and she's going to bring little Hi with her. And yesterday morning pa said that Grandma Babson was a coming to make her home with us, so you might guess, Randy, that Jemima and I'll have to step lively and help ma a bit."

Both girls laughed as they thought of little Hi's pranks and Randy said, with a bright twinkle in her eyes, "At least, you and Jemima will be amused this winter." "I guess we shall be in more ways than one," assented Belinda, "for I'm pretty sure that Grandma Babson and that small boy will be enemies from the start."

"We miss Randy," said Belinda Babson, "but of course we're glad that she is having such a lovely winter." "She writes just as she talks, and when we get one of her letters it seems as if she were with us," said Jemima. "I didn't know what to make of Phoebe Small's last letter," said Dot Marvin.

Prue and Randy were surrounded by their friends upon their arrival, and between the Babson girls stood little Hi Babson, their cousin, whose mother had determined that during his three months' visit he should attend school. Taking his hand, Belinda walked to the teacher's desk with a view to introducing him. "This is my little cousin," she began, but was promptly interrupted by Hi who remarked,

Then an old moss-farmer who hadn't had money enough to buy himself a new tooth for twenty years arose and said: 'I move you, Mister Chairman, that this body thank Mr. Babson kindly for his offer and tell him to go to hell. "The motion was carried unanimously, and the meeting proceeded to the consideration of other business.

They were a grand little pair of convictors, were Babson and O'Brien, and woe unto that man who was brought before them. It was even alleged by the impious that when Babson was in doubt what to do or what O'Brien wanted him to do the latter communicated the information to his conspirator upon the bench by a system of preconcerted signals.

Schwirtz to guard her against outsiders more secure and satisfied, she reflected, than she could ever have been with Walter Babson.... A hawk soared above her, a perfect thing of sun-brightened grace, the grasses smelled warm and pleasant, and under her beat the happy heart of the summer land. "I'm a poor old rough-neck," said Mr.

He walked down the hall to her room, and said good-night lingeringly, holding her hand. Una went into her room, closed the door, and for full five minutes stood amazed. "Why!" she gasped, "the little man is trying to make love to me!" She laughed over the absurdity of it. Heavens! She had her Ideal. The Right Man. He would probably be like Walter Babson though more dependable.

"So Babson did that to us!" growled Mr. Tutt. "Just like him. He'll pack the jury and charge our innocent Angelo into the middle of hades." "And O'Brien is the assistant district attorney in charge of the prosecution," mildly added Tutt. "But what can we do? We're assigned, we've got a guilty client, and we've got to defend him." "Have you set Bonnie Doon looking up witnesses?" asked Mr. Tutt.