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"On peut etre puls fin qu'un autre, mais pas plus fin que tous les autres." Piedro's father, amongst others, had reason to complain. He saw his own customers fall off from him, and was told, whenever he went into the market, that his son was such a cheat there was no dealing with him.

Our Brigade was to be in reserve. Meanwhile, a large full-sized model of the German lines was dug near Lucheux forest, where the attacking Brigades started practising at once. Incidentally the model took many acres of arable land, and, though it was very well paid for, the French grumbled loudly, and the 46th Division was known in Lucheux as "les autres Boches."

But it seems to me there are some two thousand of them who cry 'Vive le Roi' for half a pistole, but would cry 'Vivent nous autres' for nothing. If the French land here they will turn against you at once. If the Parliament prevail they will submit, willy nilly. And your majesty may feel no ailment, yet have to be attended by the surgeon who cured your father."

"Ridez vous en avant, blackimoribus ambos en avant, you black rascals laissez le Capitan and me pour fightez" shouted Bang, as the black guide, guessing his meaning, spurred his horse against the moonlight bank. "Ah ah!" exclaimed the man, as he wheeled about after he had ridden a pace or two under the shadow of the trees "Voila ces autres brigands la." "Where?" said I.

"Nous aimons les mets plus delicats que vous autres," quoth he; at which we laughed, and pointed to the cabin. We found, upon explanation, however, that Mr.

I have elsewhere suggested, and the suggestion has already found some acceptance, that when the variation is not definitely downward, deviation and deviate be substituted for the unnecessarily opprobrious and often inappropriate terms, degeneration and degenerate. Il marche, dort, mange et boit comme tous les autres; mais cela n'empeche pas qu'il soit fort malade. MOLIERE: Le Malade imaginaire.

George Uplift tells me I had him in just now that the mother is a woman of mark and strong principle. She has probably corrected the too luxuriant nature of Mel in her offspring. That is to say in this one. 'Pour les autres, je ne dis pas'. Well, the young man will go; and if Rose chooses to become a monument of constancy, we can do nothing.

"Il ne faut pas mettre un ridicule il n'y en a point: c'est se gâter le goût, c'est corrompre son jugement et celui des autres. Mais le ridicule qui est quelque part, il faut l'y voir, l'en tirer avec grâce et d'une manière qui plaise et qui instruise."

Il faut vivre avec ses egaux. He said this twice. The second time I replied, 'Monsieur, cela est bon pour les ducs mais nous autres? 'Ah! sous ce rapport je ne fais aucune distinction. Hors des princes, tout est egal. A good deal of conversation about the Irish Church Bill which is just now in the crisis of the Lords' amendments. H.I.H. asked me my opinion.

It is not a pleasure, but it can with creature comforts become supportable, and it opens the door to freedom et de tous les autres agréments de la vie pour une femme." He kissed and patted my hand again.