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Y así digo que estoy presto á hacer esta ó otra cualquier diligencia que por V.m. me fuere mandada, y que me pesa de cualquier culpa que haya cometido, ó en componer en vulgar el dicho libro, ó en haber dado ocasion directa ó indirectamente á que se divulgase. X, pp. 252-254.

It was a day terrible to remember in its heat and hunger and unbearable thirst, with about them the headless dead, festering in the sun and blackening, and over them the sky without a cloud, and always at their hearts the dread of Asi and the chiefs, returning to kill them both.

Del mismo modo que para conocer las ventajas de este aparato no vamos a preguntar a los que nunca han viajado con él sino a los que han hecho experiencias con el mismo, así también para conocer las ventajas del sufragismo no debemos dar crédito a los que lo combaten por principios y teorías sino a los paises que han hecho experimentos con él y han probado ya sus resultados.

Then when it is melted he says, "Where is the crystal?" The son replies, "I do not know." "Dip your finger in the bowl," says the father, "and taste." Then Svetaketu dips here and there, and everywhere there is a salt flavor. They agree that THAT is the essence of salt; and the father says again, "TAt twam asi." I am of course neither defending nor criticizing the scientific attitude here adopted.

Rama, who had not held public lectures since early 1988, required most students to bring at least three new potential initiates per year. He spent hours during the NPDS and ASI "computer" meetings coaching disciples about what kind of people they should recruit and about how they should go about recruiting them.

To O'olo a white stone was very insufficient for nourishment, and so he tried grass and weeds like Nebuchadnezzar, to the undoing of his stomach, which dissatisfied, was afflicted with cramps, so that he rolled and rolled in pain, and lamented loudly, till Asi cried out: "Make that Tongan to cease from bellowing, or else the enemy will surely discover us!"

The most extraordinary instance of this is his explanation of the celebrated phrase in the Chândogya Upanishad Sa âtmâ tat tvam asi. He reads Sa âtmâ atat tvam asi and considers that it means "You are not that God. Why be so conceited as to suppose that you are?" Monotheistic texts have often received a mystical and pantheistic interpretation.

When they have rejected the external characteristics the leaves, the branches, etc. and agreed that the SAP is the essence, then the father says, "TAT TWAM ASI THAT thou art." He gives his son a crystal of salt, and asks him what is the essence of that. The son is puzzled. Clearly neither the form nor the transparent quality are essential. The father says, "Put the crystal in water."

Several disciples, including my brother, Sal, and Paul, had developed impressive track records in the software industry. But many were only CLC graduates. During the meetings of NPDS and ASI, Rama told disciples to share their knowledge of state-of-the-art software technology. Then he told them to lie.

DON PEDRO. ¿Qué había de hacer?... Decirle la verdad ... que mi hija no se quería ya casar con él, y que yo lo sentía mucho ... porque en efecto me pesa de ello por mil y quinientas razones ... ya ves ... ¿qué dirá su tío?... y luego ... no se encuentra así como quiera un partido tan ventajoso. BRUNO. Pero señor, ¡qué pero le puede poner la señorita a D. Eduardo!