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SANS, kuch, to cry aloud, scream; such, to wail. 59. qua, to eat, bite: compare SANS. charv, to chew, bite, gnaw; chah, to bruize; khad, to eat.; GERMAN, kauen; ENG., to chew. 60. te, thou. SANS. tvam; LAT., tu. 61. quen, how? SANS. kena. Other curious resemblances between the Aztec and European languages are: 62. pepeyol, poplar. LAT., populus; ICEL., popel. LAT., oleum; ENG., oil, &c.

This identity is stated more precisely in another passage where first occurs the celebrated formula Tat tvam asi, That art Thou, or Thou art It , i.e. the human soul is the Âtman and hence there is no real distinction between souls.

'Non-being' we may call it, in so far as while it is observed at a certain moment in a certain form it is at some other moment observed in a different condition. Scripture does not teach that Release is due to the knowledge of a non- qualified Brahman. the meaning of 'tat tvam asi.

The most extraordinary instance of this is his explanation of the celebrated phrase in the Chândogya Upanishad Sa âtmâ tat tvam asi. He reads Sa âtmâ atat tvam asi and considers that it means "You are not that God. Why be so conceited as to suppose that you are?" Monotheistic texts have often received a mystical and pantheistic interpretation.