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The other wore a fur cap and a gentleman's swallow-tail coat, with the tails caught up because they were too long. The turkey hopped out of the car and gazed confidingly at his protectors. In point of size he was altogether their superior. "I think," said Jericho Bob, "we'd better ketch 'im; to-morrow's Thanksgiving. Yum!" And he looked with great joy at the innocent, the unsuspecting fowl.

"Yum yum yum," said Shorty, tearing one of the chickens in two, and handing a piece to the Deacon, while Si gave him a sweet, crisp hoe cake and a cup of strong coffee. "Now, this's what you might call livin'. Never beat that cookin' in any house that had a roof. Only do that when you've stars in the roof of your kitchen." "It certainly is splendid," admitted the Deacon.

"What I couldn't do with all that money yum, yum!" "Yes, or even fifty dollars wouldn't be anything to sneeze at," said Joe. "I give you fellows notice right here that you'll have to step mighty lively to beat yours truly to one of those fat plums." "Gee, you'll never have a chance," said Jimmy. "Why, my set will be so good that it will probably win both prizes. Nobody else will have a look in."

"And," added Landy with a yearning vein in his voice, "haven't we seen whopping big green-back bullfrogs aplenty? If there's one dish I'm fond of more than any other, that's fried frogs' legs. Yum! yum, don't I wish we could spare the time to knock over a dozen of those bullies." "Not while we're on such a duty as we started out to fulfill, Landy," Elmer advised the fat scout.

Besides, we don't eat bread, up here. We eat flapjacks." "Jiminy!" sighed Billy, his mouth watering as he smacked his dry lips. "That sounds mighty good, just the same. Honest, I've been living on old ox so long I've nearly forgotten what flapjack tastes like. I used to have 'em back home, though. Remember those old Liz, our cook, made? Yum! Just the same," he added, defiantly, "I'm glad I came.

The firing was bringing the whole gang about their ears and as soon as he had given Svenson time to reach the top Phil ordered the detective to beat a retreat. They tumbled in among their friends, all but winded. Svenson sat down and wiped away the blood that was trickling down his face from a scalp wound. "Yum pin' Yiminy!" he puffed with emphasis. "Vell, by golly!"

"Do you think it would be all right for me to eat some chicken salad?" Pee-wee shouted. "The tide won't be high enough to float this island for two hours." "Don't!" called Warde, stopping up his ears. "Have a heart." "Have a what?" called Pee-wee. "Have a doughnut," shouted Roy. "All right," called Pee-wee. "There's some dandy cheese here in a kind of a little jar yum yum!"

"If you send him a letter he will think himself important. Word of mouth " "Silence, fool! He would not come without a letter." "Better to meet him, then, as if by accident and " "There is no time! That cursed daughter of my uncle is up to mischief. She has fled. Would that Yum had her! She went to Samson days ago. The English harass me.

With mathematical accuracy it was divided into squares, oblongs, and narrow strips, which displayed sharply the thousand hues of green of a truck garden. Gow Yum and Chan Chi, under enormous Chinese grass hats, were planting green onions. Old Hughie, hoe in hand, plodded along the main artery of running water, opening certain laterals, closing others.

What could I have done by myself? You know very well that you earned all the money that started us here. You paid the wages of Gow Yum and Chan Chi, and old Hughie, and Mrs. Paul, and why, you've done it all." She drew her two hands caressingly across his shoulders and down along his great biceps muscles. "That's what did it, Billy." "Aw hell! It's your head that done it.