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We can re-borrow that four hundred from Gow Yum, an' I can borrow money on my horses an' wagons " "Are you going to buy it to-day?" Saxon teased. She scarcely touched the edge of his thought. He looked at her, as if he had heard, then forgot her the next moment. "Head work," he mumbled. "Head work. If I don't put over a hot one "

Look at me, and tell me what you have been thinking." "Little Yum Yum talks great nonsense sometimes. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of going on to Tokyo to-morrow. I think we've seen about all there is to be seen here, don't you?" "Geoffrey, you want to see Reggie Forsyth. You're getting bored and homesick already." "No, I'm not.

He and my old standby, Billy Loutit, did virtually all the handling of that big boat. Any one travelling in that country should secure Yum if they can. He was worth all the others put together. Sweeping generalisations are always misleading, therefore I offer some now, and later will correct them by specific instances. These Chipewyans are dirty, shiftless, improvident, and absolutely honest.

The hostler looked after her flying figure, then grinned up at Mrs. Morrell. "Yum! yum!" said he, "but she's the eager little piece!" Mrs. Morrell gave him a coin, and as he moved away with the horse, she, too, ran up the steps. Nan had entered the parlour door, leaving it open behind her. Mrs. Morrell closed it again, and locked it.

When a package of wedding cake is placed on the desk he is the first one to find it out, and he sits and waits till we cut the string, when he goes into it and walks all over the cake till he strikes the bridal cake, when he gets onto it, stands on his head and seems to say, "Yum, yum," and is tickled as a girl with a fresh beau. There is human nature in a cockroach.

"You can't keep her in camp all day. Somebody'll git her away from you if they have to take her by main force." "Are you willin' to risk the milk-sick?" asked the Deacon, handing Shorty a cupful of the milk, together with a piece of cornpone. "Yum yum, I should say so," mumbled that longlegged gentleman. "I'll make the milk sicker'in it kin me, you bet.

They're having a lawn party there to-night!" "Are they having anything to eat?" Townsend asked quietly. "Yum, yum m-m-m!" said Pee-wee. "They have everything. Once I went to Minerva's birthday party and I couldn't go to school all next week, that's how much they have to eat there. Get the clothes-sticks. Get the clothes-sticks! Let's pole the island to shore.

"Hello, Chuck," Coonie said. "What are you doing? Why, your face is a sight. My, such a dirty face. Why, Chuck, I am surprised," and he noticed the greedy look in Chuck's eyes. "Yum! yum!" was the only reply he received and Chuck began picking around in the grass. "I say, Chuck," Coonie said again, "what are you doing?" "Doing?" echoed Chuck.

"Just taste one, Coonie, it is sweeter than any berry I ever tasted. Yum, yum, but it is fine." "Hum!" sniffed Coonie. "It may suit your taste, but honey is much too sticky for me." "Well, I'm glad you don't want any," Chuck replied. "You always were rather particular, but I am only Chuck anyhow, and as some people call me a hog a ground-hog, you know I might as well live up to my name."

I'll put some sandwiches under the seat for you to eat while you're waiting in the dark for me." An Audit by the Gods "Write, Chitragupta!* Enter up your reckoning! Yum awaits in anger the assessment of the dead! We left a law of kindness, But they bowed themselves in blindness To a cruelty consummate and a mystery instead! "'Write, Chitragupta! Once we sang and danced with them.