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Updated: August 23, 2024

His tongue curled about his words; he seemed to love them. "Fer a quat-of-a-dollah! Don't turn away, young man you feller in the green necktie, there. We all see the young lady on your arm is a-langrishing fer the golden ring and the package. Faint heart never won fair wummin'. There you are, sir, and you'll never regret it. Go and be happy!

Y' see wimmin's li'ble to fool you some. When they knows you're fixed on 'em they jest makes you hate yourself fer a foolhead. It's in the natur' of 'em. They're most like young fillies 'fore they're broke I sez it wi'out disrespec'. Y' see a wummin ain't got a roarin' time of it in this world.

Macintyre and the redoubtable 'Tammy' a very round and chubby urchin, as unlike a denizen of the slums as could well be imagined were sitting at tea by the cosy hearth, and there was a warm welcome and a cup for the visitor at once. 'Come awa', my wummin; I saw ye gang by, said the good soul cheerily. 'My, but ye hae a fine colour; jist gang ben an' look at yersel' in the room gless.

She come back 'cos she's jest bustin' to hear what you darsen't tell her. She's come back 'cos she's a wummin, an' couldn't stay away when you wus sick an' wounded to death. I know. I ain't bin married fer five an' twenty year an' more wi'out gittin' to the bottom o' female natur' I " "But she didn't know I was sick, Rube." "Eh?" Rube stood aghast at what he had said.

The question was scarcely put when the shepherd himself bounded up the stair. "They've gotten sight o' me, I fear," he said. "Have ye a garret, wummin onywhere to hide?" "No' a place in the hoose big enough for a moose to hide in," said Mrs. Black with a look of dismay. As she spoke a confused noise of voices and hurrying steps was heard in the street.

'Oh, she's well enough, I think. I never asks. Oor kind gangs on till they drap, an' then they maistly dee, said Liz cheerfully. 'But Teen will hing on a while yet she's tough. I dinna see her very often. My mither disna like her. She brings me the Reader on Fridays. Eh, wummin, "Lord Bellew's Bride" is finished.

Eh, d'ye think that'll be onything against me in the ither world? Eh, wummin, I'm feared! If only I had anither chance! That pitiful speech, and the unspeakable pathos on the face of Liz, lifted Gladys above the supreme bitterness of that moment. 'Oh, do not be afraid, she cried, folding her gentle hands, whose very touch seemed to carry hope and healing.

Springing up the bank, he shook a shower from his sides and bounded into the bushes, with the certain knowledge, no doubt, that he had reached home at last, and that his faithful nose would not fail to guide him to the tent of Isquay. "O ye rascal!" growled MacSweenie, "you've let the cat out o' the bag for I make no doubt that every man an' wummin o' the tribe knows you by sight."

Before it was quite finished the door was gently opened, and Jean Black herself entered. She had come, as was her wont every night, to walk home with her uncle. Black sprang up. "Jean, my wummin," he said, hastily putting on his blue bonnet, "there's no light eneuch for ye to be intryduced to my freend here, but ye can hear him if ye canna see him. I'm gaun oot to see what sort o' a night it is.

"Well," he said, "I'm going to take up my abode here for a week or two." "I'm real glad," said Ranks, his little eyes lighting up at the prospect. He remembered how profitable this man had proved before. "The missis'll be glad, too," he added. "I 'lows she's a far-seein' wummin. We kep a best room fer such folk as you, now.

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