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Darius looked concerned, and his dry face wrinkled still more. "Ah, and when was this word come, your honour?" "But yesterday, Boland, and he'll do well to obey, for I have no choice but to take him in hand if he goes gallivanting." "Gallivanting here, in Jamaica! Does your honour remember where we are?" "Not in a bishop's close, Boland."

The other two men sharp-featured, their faces ruddy as summer apples, merry-eyed, clad in velveteen coats, that bulged about the pockets, and wrinkled leather gaiters reaching halfway up the thigh charmed Richard, when his first shyness was passed. They were eager to please him. Their talk was racy. Their laughter ready and sincere.

"It's little Amanda, the minister's own darling Naughty little dear!" he continued, his round good-humored face wrinkled all over with smiles, as he caught up the truant, "what ever do you mean by splashing through every gutter between home and here, making a little drab of yourself? Why your frock is as wet as a dish-clout! and your shoes! My gracious!"

"I feel as the blessed dead might feel should they be forced to leave the shelter of their graves and look out upon the world." Rising from its knees beside a bed of herbs, a second figure in faded robes approached the gate. Sister Sexberga was very old, much older than her companion, and her face was a wrinkled parchment whereon Time had written some terrible lessons.

"But if life comes from Faceny, how can it die at all?" "Life is the thoughts of Faceny, and once these thoughts have left his brain they are nothing mere dying embers." "This is a cheerless philosophy," said Maskull. "But who is Faceny himself, then, and why does he think at all?" Leehallfae gave another wrinkled smile. "That I'll explain too. Faceny is of this nature.

Now one of the boys has pelted him with a stone, that has brought the blood from his wrinkled cheek; another asks him "how much he will take for his hat," while all the rest surround him, shouting, "Old crazy Uncle Tim old crazy Uncle Tim!" Come here, boys, won't you? and let poor Uncle Tim go home, while I tell you his story.

It was nearly five o'clock in the evening when Alvaros, hot, tired, and dusty from his long ride from Pinar del Rio and his previous journey by train, drew rein and dismounted before the broad flight of steps leading up to the gallery which ran round the house, and, handing over his horse to an obsequious negro who was in waiting, proceeded to ascend the steps, his brow wrinkled into a frown of displeasure at Calderon's failure to be present to give him a suitably respectful greeting upon his arrival.

Wherever it is dry and fiercely hot, and the lava is black and hard, and nothing else grows, or can grow, there they are, close to the sea, sending their root-fibres seawards as if in search of salt water. Their long, curved, wrinkled, perfectly cylindrical stems, bulging near the ground like an apothecary's pestle, rise to a height of from sixty to one hundred feet.

For God's sake, Vicar, it is not as bad as as they make out? Mr Bethany woke with a start. He leaned forward, and stretched out a long black wrinkled sleeve, just managing to reach far enough to tap Lawford's knee. 'Don't worry, don't worry, he said soothingly. 'We believe, we believe. It was, none the less, a sheer act of faith. He took off his spectacles and took out his handkerchief.

Raynes to the vicar, and hurried back to her. "You would like to see him?" I asked. She nodded, and I led the way upstairs. I opened the door and closed it again softly, leaving them alone.... I descended into the hall, and there upon the steps, looking at me with black, beady eyes, deep set in his wrinkled face, was my friend, or rather my enemy, Nagaski. He eyed my approach with gloomy disfavor.