United States or American Samoa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Poor organ-grinder! his face was wrinkled as badly as that of his missing assistant when attempting to pick a very bad nut. "You go find my mun-kee?" "O, yes," said the president, "we will hunt. Come on." They scattered, tumbling over fences, climbing shed roofs, diving into corners, shouting, yelling, and stirring up the neighborhood thoroughly. It did no good. "My munkee" refused to be found.

Curious glances followed him and whispers ran through the church, coming back to gaze at the severe, quiet face, with its look of sweetness and power. He was unconscious of the crowd. His thoughts were with the old man playing aloft the thin, serene face the wrinkled hands upon the keys twenty years.... The time had come at last.... The music stole through his musings and touched him.

Beyond that, the money already supplied from Nevada mines has changed the calculations of commerce, and made itself a ruling factor in prices; it has given our nation a new standing among the nations of the world; because of it, the lands are worth more money even in the Miami Valley where I was born; because of it, better wages are paid to laborers throughout our republic; it has been a factor of good, a blessing to civilization; and yet Eastern people revile Nevada and look upon it as did the relatives of the old man I was telling you of, because it is wrinkled and sere and always wears a frowning face."

The faintest shadow of a wondering smile flickered over the old man's wrinkled countenance, like the reflection of a passing taper-flame on a faded picture. "My son, my son!" he murmured with compassionate tolerance "Have I not told thee that five thousand years and more must pass away ere the prediction be accomplished? ... I marvel that so plain a truth should thus disquiet thee!

I don't want any of their rewards, Alick, not I! That's reward enough for me, he said, as he lifted up the child to kiss his wrinkled forehead. The next Monday morning Timpey and I went down together to the pier, to await the arrival of the steamer. She had brought a doll with her, which Mrs. Millar had given her, and of which she was very proud.

He made a peculiar and significant gesture one that is not often used, but when it is it implies that certain matters or things must not be further alluded to, but must be for ever buried in oblivion. I put my hand on his tough, naked, and wrinkled shoulder, and again repeated my question.

Old Giovanni at the helm, boatman upon this lake since youth, used long since to murmuring words, to touching hands, stayed brown and wrinkled and silent and unspeculative as a walnut. Perhaps his mind was sunk in his own stone hut behind vine leaves. The two under the rose-and-white-fringed canopy leaned toward each other. "Tell me of your strange, foreign land! Have you roses there roses roses?

Behind her wrinkled old face there was a brain with a limited outfit of ideas and the chief of those ideas was work. Our cup of tea was refreshing, but it would be incorrect to convey the notion that I was allowed to linger over such a luxury. There are few intervals for leisure in the duty-hours of an orderly in an officers' ward.

He appeared to reflect; his forehead wrinkled painfully. "Devil-dodger," said he, after a pause, "are you just making a noise with your face, or is that on the level?" "That's on the level." His hard and suspicious eyes bored into me. And as I held his glance, a hint of wonder and amazement crept into his face. "God A'mighty! I believe him!" he gasped.

Maurice came in almost immediately, accompanied by his other guests, three young men dressed in the latest fashion, whom Amedee did not at first recognize as his former comrades, who once wore wrinkled stockings and seedy coats, and wore out with him the seats of their trousers on the benches of the Lycee Henri IV. After the greetings, "What! is it you?"