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Updated: August 6, 2024

Many were the wounds and bruises received that day, and not a few bones were broken, but happily no lives were lost. "Now, lads, now's our time. A bold and fearless look's the best at all times. Don't look as if ye doubted their friendship; and mind, wotever ye do, don't use yer arms. Follow me."

"I ain't never 'ad it put on me, Miss," she said, with the air of a martyr trying to make himself comfortable up against the stake, "not as a regler thing, I ain't, but wotever I'm asked to do in the line of duty whiles I'm dwellin' in this sufferin' and dyin' world, I aims to do the best wot I can, w'ether it's milkin' a cow, drownin' kittens, or buryin' a cat wot can't stay buried."

"They both laughed fit to kill themselves, but I didn't move a muscle. "'You open the companion, I ses, 'or it'll be the worse for you. D'ye hear? Open it ! "'Oh, Alfred, ses the gal, 'he's losing 'is temper. Wotever shall we do? "'I don't want no more nonsense, I ses, trying to fix 'er with my eye. 'If you don't let me out it'll be the worse for you.

To wotever place I goes, I sticks to this one mortar, "I'm easy pleased; it is but little as I wants; but I must have that little of the best, and to the minute when the clock strikes, else we do not part as I could wish, but bearin' malice in our arts."

"Yes, I know I'm not very big," said the boy, nervously fidgeting with his bundle; "leastways not in hite; but my arms is that long, they'll reach ever so 'igh above my 'ed, and as for bein' strong, you should jest see me lift my father's big market basket when it's loaded with 'taters, or wotever is for market, and I hope you'll not be angry because I come to-day; but Dick that's my brutther Dick he says, 'You foller my advice, Joe, he says, 'and go arter this 'ere place, and don't let no grass grow under your feet.

He got up presently and helped Ginger up, and they both stood there pitying themselves, and 'elping each other to think of names to call Sam. "Well, the money's gorn, and it's 'is own silly fault," ses Ginger. "But wotever 'appens, he mustn't know that we had a 'and in it, mind that." "He can starve for all I care," ses Peter, feeling his 'ead.

Wotever Cap'n Tarbell could ha' seen in 'er, I can't think. "She was quiet, and stupid, and bad-tempered. When the bus-conductor came round for the fares she 'adn't got any change; and when we got to the hall she did such eggsterrordinary things trying to find 'er pocket that I tried to look as if she didn't belong to me.

"When she wakes in the mornin' she ses to 'erself, 'Good things is goin' to come to-day cheerfle things. When there's a knock at the door she ses, 'Somethin' friendly's comin' in. An' when Drunken Bet's makin' a row an' ragin' an' tearin' an' threatenin' to 'ave 'er eyes out of 'er fice, she ses, 'Lor, Bet, yer don't mean a word of it yer a friend to every woman in the 'ouse. When she don't know which way to turn, she stands still an' ses, 'Speak, Lord, thy servant 'eareth, an' then she does wotever next comes into 'er mind an' she says it's allus the right answer.

Farendell seemed to recognize the fact with the same directness. "That's it, is it?" he said bluntly. "Well, how much do you want? Only, I warn you that I haven't much to give." "Wotever you've got, if it was millions, it ain't enough to buy us up, and ye ought to know that by this time," responded Scranton, with a momentary flash in his eyes.

"Excuse my interrupting you again, but where is your home, may I ask?" "You may ask, but it 'ud puzzle me to answer for I ain't got no 'ome, unless I may say that London is my 'ome. I come an' go where I pleases, so long's I don't worrit nobody. I sleep where I like, if the bobbies don't get their eyes on me w'en I'm agoin' to bed, an' I heat wotever comes in my way if it ain't too tough.

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