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The mode of study which he followed was characteristically simple, thorough, and business-like, and was always pursued afterward. He first sought from God the Spirit's teaching that his eyes might be opened to the Word's witness, and his mind illumined; then he set about a systematic examination of the New Testament from beginning to end.

Hah, all we poets write a deal about love: but none of us may grasp the word's full meaning until he reflects that this is a passion mighty enough to induce a woman to put up with him." "Even so, it does not seem to induce quite thorough confidence. Jurgen, I was grieved to see that Dame Lisa evidently suspects you of running after some other woman in your wife's absence." "Think upon that now!

The hull of the word's 'anonymous, I believe, and the dictionary says that means 'wanting a name. So, altogether, Star Bright, I haven't been able to make much sense out o' that answer." "Oh, never mind!" said the Princess, tossing her head. "I don't like the dictionary. It's a wretch!" "So 'tis, so 'tis," assented the Captain, with servile alacrity. "Have some more milk then, Sunshine."

Richard waited for him, and then he laid down the pipe altogether, as no aid in perplexity, and said, after leaning his arm on the table and staring at Richard an instant: "Look, young gentleman! My word's gone. I've spoke it. I've given 'em the 'surance she shan't be back till the Spring, and then I'll have her, and then well!

It's been called, and the man that called it is a man I've laid on the same blanket with in cow-camps and ranger-camps for ten years. He can call anything I've got. He can call the blood out of my veins and it'll come. He's got to have the money. He's in a devil of a Well, he needs the money, and I've got to get it for him. You know my word's good, Cooper."

"Well, you know more about these things than I do, so your word's law. But I shall be glad to let the head office know I want to have the general manager's authority to do what I told you was going to be done." Durham smiled in answer. So did he want the general manager to authorise what was to be the news he wished to give Mrs. Burke on the morrow.

There were natures that fed on trifles, and died just for one hard word's sake; and I implied that I had such a nature. The fact was, that my poverty had in that degree sharpened certain powers in me, so that they caused me unpleasantness. Yes, I assure you honestly, unpleasantness; worse luck! But this had also its advantages. It helped me in certain situations in life.

"Did you say no?" he asked. "I said no!" replied Pratt. "I'm not going to take five thousand pounds for a chance that's worth fifty thousand. Hang you! if you hadn't been a black sneak-thief, as you are, I'd have had the whole thing to myself! And I don't know that I will give way to you. If it comes to it, my word's as good as yours and I don't believe Eldrick would believe you before me.

I began to write the first pages of this diary as I began these last, with my heart steeped in bitterness and as I went on, committing to paper what I could have intrusted to no one, my soul grew calm, till resignation came Resignation, my chosen saint, who, smiling through her tears, suffers and loves, but hopes never!" These word's were the last in the journal.

"Possibly! But if she and Mr. Verver insisted upon it ?" "Why is it such a test? Because it has become one without their intending it. It has spoiled, so to speak, on their hands." "It has soured, eh?" the Colonel said. "The word's horrible say rather it has 'changed. Perhaps," Fanny went on, "she did wish to see how much she can bear. In that case she HAS seen.