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I've heard that man talkin' to his belt-plate an' his side-arms while he was soldierin' thim, all to prevint himself from thinkin', an' ivry time he got up afther he had been settin' down or wint on from the halt, he'd start wid that kick an' traverse that I tould you of his legs sprawlin' all ways to wanst. He wud niver go see the docthor, tho' I tould him to be wise.

"Och! the fact is, that when I comed here I fortunately fell in with the owner first, and we spoke almost intirely in Irish, so nobody understood where I comed from; and the interpreter hear'd the master call me by my name; so he wint off and said to the people that a great Barono Flanagoni had come, and was up at the house wid the master.

''Tis far nobler, he says, 'to purrish on th' ragin' main, he says, 'thin to die with ye'er lungs full iv hayseed an' ye'er eyes full iv dust, he says. 'I was born in a large city, he says; 'an' I don't know th' rules iv th' barn, he says. An' he wint out, an' took his lickin'. "'Twas too bad Shafter didn't get a chanst at him, but he's give th' tip to th' la-ads that makes th' boats.

Exchange is the same as death for not thinkin', an' by token I married Dinah, an' that kept me from remimberin' ould times. Thin we wint up to the Front, an' ut tore my heart in tu to lave Dinah at the Depot in Pindi. Consequint whin was at the Front I fought circumspectuous till I warrmed up, an thin I fought double tides.

Whin oi tould the Finn Club, wan hundred sthrong, he losht thim. Wan hundred and wan gone. Whin oi tould th' byes, he losht thim. Wan hundred an' six gone. An' whin they tould their twinty-foive apiece, ivery twinty-foive o' thim wint. Wan hundred an' six plus wan hundred an' twinty-foive makes two hundred an' thirty-wan votes losht at the shlammin' uv the front dure.

'We're goin' to the Washington Market, sur, sez I. That's where I'll take yez, ladies, sez he. 'Pay yer fares, ladies. An' we got in, ma'am, an' wint up to the top of the city, an' paid tin cints, the both of us. An' there was a great many ladies an' gintlemen got in an' done the same, ma'am, an' some got out one place an' some another. An' whin we got up to the top of the city, 'Mrs.

Maybe you'd as well carry your gun at what sodgers call `the showlder, wid the muzzle pintin' at the moon so; that's it. Don't blame yoursilf, Mr Slagg. Sure, it's worse than that I was when I begood, for the nasty thing I carried wint off somehow of its own accord, an' I shot me mother's finest pig wan barrel into the tail, an' the other into the hid.

"Thin there wuz a dead-lock between thim two men, wid the crowd waitin' fer hell to pay. Life-long inimies, sez I, to meself, an' I hed the whole story. "Durade began to limber up. Any man what knows a greaser would have been lookin' fer blood. 'She wint back to yez! panted Durade. "'No thief Spanish dog! I have not seen her for nineteen years, sez Lee. "The gurl spoke up: 'Mother is dead!

Wid that I stretched Peg Barney, boot an' all, an' wint into the camp. An awful sight ut was! "Where's the orf'cer in charge av the detachment?" sez I to Scrub Greene the manest little worm that ever walked. "There's no orf'cer, ye ould cook," sez Scrub; "we're a bloomin' Republic."

And who the divvle are ye at all? Pwhy don't ye spake?" Maitland turned purple; and emitted a furious snort. "Misther Maitland, be all thot's strange!... Is ut mad I am? Or how did ye get back here and into this fix, sor, and me swapin' the halls and polishin' the brasses fernist the front dure iv'ry minute since ye wint out?"