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Father's hair is very gray, and there are wrinkles on his honest old face. He is lookin' through the winder at the Holyoke hills over yonder, and I can guess he's thinkin' of the time when he wuz a boy like me an' Amos, an' uster climb over them hills an' kill rattlesnakes an' hunt partridges. Or doesn't his eyes quite reach the Holyoke hills?

He wiped his forehead and glared. "Then s'pose you explain somethin'! I'm ridin' through town a while back, when the telephone gal sticks her head outen the winder an' squeals: 'Git to the Cunnel's a-flyin', Jess they say Dale Dawson's done kilt Tusk Potter!" "That's all right," Dale said. "Keep yoh 'pinions to yohse'f till I ask for 'em!

"Jean, I take particular pains to show y'u where this hole is," said Blue, "because if the gang runs out y'u could duck in there an' hide. An' if they run out into the yard wal, y'u'd make it a sorry run fer them.... Wal, when y'u've crawled up close to Greaves's back door, an' waited long enough to see an' listen then you're to run fast an' swing your ax smash ag'in' the winder.

Guly tried to say something encouraging; but, though Jeff listened respectfully, it was very sadly; and several times he wiped the tears from his cheeks, while his young master was speaking. "Massa Guly," said he, taking a small parcel from his pocket, "here's suthin' I found in de winder, de morning after de robb'ry, when dey was cleaning up.

I should have him myself, if there was a shadow of a chance; but, as it is, it's throwing good money out o' winder. I wish you better luck, young gentleman, than mine is like to be; not that you want luck, of course, but only justice." Richard did not relish this tone of banter, and he showed it in his look.

I run the muzzles up and down the keyboard two or three times, and then shot out half a dozen keys. "That's the piece I know," says I. But the other girl and the Jew drummer had punched the breeze. The girl at the pianner just grinned, and pointed to the winder where they was some ragged glass hangin'. She was dead game. "Say, Susie," says I, "you're all right, but your friends is tur'ble.

Exciseman Jones had his eye on him; and that was bad for Exciseman Jones. "Now one murk December night Exciseman Jones staggered home with a bloody long slice down his scalp, and the red drip from it spotting the cobble-stones. "'Summut fell on him from a winder, said Dark Dignum, a little later, as he were drinkin' hisself hoarse in the Black Boy.

"The subject upon which we have called you is not new to us nor to you," said the Secretary in expressionless tones. "We revert to the question of a spy a woman. It is now known that it was a woman who stole the important papers from the office of the President. The secret service of General Winder has learned that she has been in this city all the while that is, until the last night or two."

Sassnett, I'll trouble you for a light, sir." And so he ignited a fuller-flavored Cuba, and drank, in a sweeter grog, "Our noble selves" olim hæc meminisse juvabit. There was one striking contrast on board to the gallant Winder. Livingstone did not go below, but walked the deck all night long, straining his eyes eagerly forward through the thick darkness and the driving rain.

If you want to speak to Miss Dyer, you come along here after me, don't you hit the partition now! right out o' my door an' into her'n. Here, I'll knock! Miss Dyer, be you to home?" The little old lady came forward, fluttering and radiant in the excess of her relief. "Yes, I guess I be," she said, "an' all alone, too! I see you go by the winder, an' I was in' hopes you'd come in!"