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Y' see wimmin's li'ble to fool you some. When they knows you're fixed on 'em they jest makes you hate yourself fer a foolhead. It's in the natur' of 'em. They're most like young fillies 'fore they're broke I sez it wi'out disrespec'. Y' see a wummin ain't got a roarin' time of it in this world.

Northcutt, with a sigh of reminiscence, "and I never see such fine silks and bonnets in my life. Now I've often wanted to ask you, did you buy that bonnet with the trembly jet things for Mis' Bass?" "That bonnet come out full better'n I expected," answered Jethro, modestly. "You have got taste in wimmin's fixin's, Mr. Bass. Strange? Now I wouldn't let Joe choose my things for worlds."

Missed the sound o' wimmin's petticoats, 'e did." He turned fiercely on his son. "'Ere, don't you stand starin' there! You get 'ome, and fix up for the night. Now then, wot are you dawdlin' for, pig-'ead?" The boy slunk away. When he had disappeared, his father again took up the challenge of Mahony's silent disapproval. "I can't 'ardly bear the sight of 'im, doc. disgracin' me as 'e 'as done.

"Oh, keep a askin', and a naggin'! That is what wears out us public men, wimmin's questionin'. It hain't so much the public duties we have to perform that ages us, and wears us out before our time, it is woman's weak curiosity on public topics, that her mind is too feeble to grasp holt of. It is wearin'," says he haughtily. Says I, "Specially when they don't know what to answer."

I laughed 'er off, I did. Dratted lumpin baggage!..." For a while he mused malevolently upon Annie, and routed out a reluctant crumb from some coy sitting-out place in his tooth. "Wimmin's a toss up," said Uncle Pentstemon. "Prize packets they are, and you can't tell what's in 'em till you took 'em 'ome and undone 'em. Never was a bachelor married yet that didn't buy a pig in a poke. Never.

There they sat, yellow-faced, bearded, long-backed and bent, each looking like the other, find all like Sam; and, as he dismounted, they all looked at him. "How is she?" said Sam, tying his horse and the doctor's, while the latter went in. "Well," said the oldest man, with deliberation, "the wimmin's all thar ef that's any sign."

"Hetty sez he sez he wants a quiet place to study." Hiram snorts with scorn. "Oh, fid-del! You don't catch no Noo York young feller a-settlin' down in Radville unless he's crazy or somethin' worse." "'Tain't no use tellin' Hetty Carpenter thet." "No; if anybody sez a word agin him she shets 'em right up." "'Tain't only Hetty, but all the wimmin's on his side."

Now if she'd er tuk thim old blue pearmain trees, I wouldn't have said a word. But, 'Oh no! sez she, 'I must have all pink uns; an' it was jest the pink uns that was our best trees; that's jest as much sinse as ye wimmin's got."

He talked awful smart about wimmin's votin'. He said any man was a fool to think that a woman would ever have the requisit grasp of intellect, and the knowledge of public affairs, that would render her a competent voter. "I tell you, you have got to understand things in order to tackle politicks. Politicks takes deep study. "Now, there is the tariff question, and the revenue.

And he'll have no trouble in doin' so not at all; putty is hard in comparison to wimmin's heads and hearts, sometimes. But I am, indeed, eppisodin', and to resoom, and proceed. In this world, where the material, the practical, so oft overshadows the spiritual, it didn't surprise me a mite to have this noble noble liberal art display crowded back by less riz up and exalted ones.