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A moment came when Hogarth, with intense hiss, was whispering to himself: "If I were he, I should dash now". But Fred Bates did not move. Hogarth suffered agonies not less excruciating than the rack. "Oh, whyever does he wait?" he groaned.

Behind her, the quay's edge shone bright against the green water of the harbour, where, half a cable's length from shore, a small three-masted schooner lay at anchor, with her Blue Peter fluttering at the fore. "He's gettin' her to-rights," observed one of the crowd. A woman said, "I wish I'd a-been took in my young days, when I was comely." "Then, whyever wasn't 'ee, Mrs. Slade?"

"Whyever did you do it?" one of them asked Laura curiously; it was a very pretty girl, called Evelyn, with twinkling brown eyes. "I don't know," said Laura abjectly; and this was almost true. "But I say! ... nasty tarradiddles about people who'd been so nice to you? What made you tell them?" "I don't KNOW. They just came." The girl's eyes smiled. "Well, I never!

He would not go without my drying his hair. No, no, you have nothing to fear! 'Oh Hollyhock, I hated you so much; but I love you now. I do really. Couldn't you sleep in the bed with me? 'To be sure, my lassie; and whyever not? You got a nasty stroke of a fright; but he 'll come no more. I wish with all my heart I could put a bit of flesh on his skeleton hands and skeleton face.

They're as good as a bank account, them claws be, an' entitles said party to credit in dance hall, bar room an' store, by merely slammin' 'em on the counter. "At that time the grizzly b'ar has courage. Whyever does he have it, you asks? Because you couldn't stop him; he's out of hoomanity's reach a sort o' Alexander Selkirk of a b'ar, an' you couldn't win from him.

It was a form of elegance not unknown amongst the school-children, but one which she had never thought of as possible for herself. There was Agnetta's stolid rosy face close to her, as unmoved and unexcited as if she had said nothing unusual. "Oh, Agnetta, could I?" gasped Lilac. "Whyever not?" said her cousin calmly. Lilac sat down again. "I dursn't," she said.

'Come, girlie; come, said Hollyhock in her most seductive tones. 'My Lord Alasdair had no right to ask you to dry his locks. Lean on me, lassie; lean on me. You did get an awful shock. 'Oh, oh, sobbed Leucha, 'then I did see a ghost! 'You saw what you saw. Come along home now. I 'll see to you. 'You are Hollyhock, said Leucha. 'Yes; and whyever not?

'You would not dare to come out at night, she said, looking at the devoted five. 'And whyever not? asked Mary. 'You would not have the courage. It's here on moonlight nights that the ghost walks. He drips as he walks; and he's very tall and very strong, with a wild sort of light in his eyes, which are black and big and awful to see.

At the door Jennings met Mrs. Pill herself, with her arms bare and a large coarse apron protecting her dress. She was dusty and untidy and cross. Nor did her temper grow better when she saw the detective, whom she recognized as having been present at the inquest. "Whyever 'ave you come 'ere, sir?" asked she. "I'm sure there ain't no more corpses for you to discover." "I wish to see Miss Saxon.

You ought to be in bed," she said. "I'm waiting for dad," he explained, blinking and stretching. "My, it does make your neck stiff." "Come with me, and I'll put you in bed." "Must wait for dad," he protested. "You'll be too tired to play to-morrow. You'll be dropping asleep all day." "Then he'll go to sleep on the floor, and have a bad back," he said. "Whyever does he go to sleep on the floor?"