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She would not demean herself by listening to words which were not meant for her to hear; but for the time being at least her little heart was sore, very sore, with anger. 'Oh Leuchy, whyever are you so spiteful, and why does my head split, and why does my heart ache for love of one who could be so cruel to me? Did I not repent over and over and over again?

Accordin' to her you ought to have names as simple and common as may be. Why, think of what she said when I named my last, which is just a year ago. `And what do you think of callin' her? says she. `Why, says I, `I think of giving her the name of Agnetta. `Dear me! says she; `whyever do you give your girls such fine names?

'I miss that dear Ivor, she said, 'and I also miss your cousin Jasper and that little chap you call Opal; but what puzzles me most of all is the crowds and crowds of new girls who have arrived at the school, and the newest of them all is your sister. 'Yes, said Barbara Fraser, 'your sister, Jasmine, is very new and very remarkable. Whyever did she not come with the rest of you last week?

"We imbibes on it an' talks it up an' down, mebby it's half an hour; an' the more we drinks an' the harder we thinks, the cl'arer it keeps gettin' that mighty likely this yere Texas has struck the trail. At last Jack Moore, who's, as I often says, prompt an' vig'lant that a-way, lines out to hunt this yere Pinon Bill. "Whyever do they call him Pinon Bill?

"My dear John, you haven't been here a week. I thought you were going to stay with us till your leave was up." "So did I. But I find I can't." "Whyever not?" "Oh there are all sorts of things to be seen to." "Nonsense, what do you suppose Robert will say to you, running off like this?" "Robert will understand." "It's more than I do."

If you ask me, I think it was very funny of that Miss Bright sending for you at that hour of the night. Whyever should she send for you of all people?" "I was their greatest friend." "Yes, I know you always liked them. But you couldn't be of any use. I must say I do think people are very funny sometimes.

"Whyever" again! "May I see it?" He took the letter from his pocket and handed it to her. "It's not exactly an invitation not formal." She did what he called "flicked" the letter out of its envelope. He watched her reading it and in his mind he could see as perfectly as she with her eyes, the odd, neat script; in his mind he read it with her, word by word. Dear Marko We're back.

"'Whyever if she's locoed, then, argues Dan, 'don't they up an' hive her in one of their madhouse camps? She goes chargin' about as free an' fearless as a cyclone. "'All the same, says Texas Thompson, 'her cashin' in don't prove no lovin' heart. Mebby she does it so's to chase him up an' continyoo onbroken them hectorin's of her's.

"'Whatever does this yere Mexican fam'ly mean, says the Red Dog man, a-surveyin' of 'em plenty scornful, 'a-draggin' of their domestic brawls out yere to offend a sufferin' public for? Whyever don't they stay in their wickeyup an' fight, an' not take to puttin' it all over the American race which ain't in the play none an' don't thirst tharfor?

"'Which I don't regyard this much, says one young woman; 'thar's no thrill into it. Whyever don't they do somethin' excitin'?