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He loved her as that whippersnapper yonder was not capable of loving anyone. Young people had these fancies; and they outlived them, as the colonel knew of his own experience. Let matters take their course unhindered, at all events by him.

She came right in and just looked at that desolate couple for a few seconds. Then: "Will Sears," she asked briefly, "what are you aiming to do about this?" Sears, who couldn't do anything, didn't know how to do anything about it but swear, said pompously: "What any decent, respectable, hard-working man would do, bring back the girl and horsewhip that whippersnapper."

Pierce, with more temper than tact, had possessed himself of his adversary's editorial text, "Heredity," and proceeded to perform a variant thereon. "If this young whippersnapper," Mr. Pierce had said, "this fledgling thug of journalism, had stopped to think of the source of his unearned money, perhaps he wouldn't talk so glibly about heredity."

Grant was the last person he expected to meet here. He had no idea that any one of the boy's home friends had tracked him this far. He felt that he was defeated, but he hated to acknowledge it. "How are you going to prevent me, you young whippersnapper?" he said, glaring menacingly at Grant. "Mr.

"Any other man," Sylvanus Power went on, "would have sat in the chair for that. Not I! You don't know as much of me as you need to, Merton Ware. I'm no whippersnapper of a pen-slinger, earning a few paltry dollars by writing doggerel for women and mountebanks to act. I've hewn my way with my right arm and my brain, from the streets to the palace. They say that money talks.

"Now you listen to me, you young whippersnapper. I didn't invite you, but since you're here, you'll do me the goodness of being a mite more polite," she snapped. The major winced and glanced at the senior scientist. The older man raised his eyes expressively and shrugged. He moved to the table and sat down.

Still in a daze, Daylight made to his hotel, accomplished his dinner, and prepared for bed. "The damned young whippersnapper!" he muttered. "Put my hand down easy as you please. My hand!" He held up the offending member and regarded it with stupid wonder. The hand that had never been beaten! The hand that had made the Circle City giants wince!

"Thou wretch! thou vixen! thou shrew!" said I to my wife on the morning after our wedding; "thou witch! thou hag! thou whippersnapper thou sink of iniquity! thou fiery-faced quintessence of all that is abominable! thou thou-" here standing upon tiptoe, seizing her by the throat, and placing my mouth close to her ear, I was preparing to launch forth a new and more decided epithet of opprobrium, which should not fail, if ejaculated, to convince her of her insignificance, when to my extreme horror and astonishment I discovered that I had lost my breath.

But coming in late after luncheon that day, I found him reading the editor's letter. "Boy," he said that evening, "you ought to read Thackeray for style, and Washington Irving, and see what a whippersnapper you are. Work work! If your mother were only alive she could help you!" And just before bedtime, taking a bottle of beer with my pipe, I caught his disapproving eye.

"I did not mean ever to ask you for it, but it would be useful now." "Well, I'm blest!" cried Jerry. "Talk about cheek! When did I borrow a sovereign of you, my whippersnapper?" "Two years ago, when you wanted to bet on some horse for the Derby." Jerry's jaw dropped. "Who who who who says?" he stuttered. "How did ? When did ? Here who are you? How did ? I say: who are you?"