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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Rather, my son," said the lady, who spoke French well, "But vat vas you?" she went on, mimicking Nucingen's accent. "Ein man vat is ver' much took in," replied he lamentably. "Is a man took in ven he finds a pretty voman?" asked she, with a laugh. "Permit me to sent you to-morrow some chewels as a soufenir of de Baron von Nucingen." "Don't know him!" said she, laughing like a crazy creature.

Try to let her know it, indirectly; perhaps she will be yours! And have no scruples, she will not die of that," added she, looking keenly at her husband. But Madame de Nucingen knew nothing whatever of the nature of such women. "Vat a clefer voman is Montame de Nucingen!" said the Baron to himself when his wife had left him.

"But the chewels will be welcome, my fat burglar friend." "You shall know him. Goot night, motame. You are a tidbit for ein king; but I am only a poor banker more dan sixty year olt, and you hafe made me feel vat power the voman I lofe hafe ofer me since your difine beauty hafe not make me forget her." "Vell, dat is ver' pretty vat you say," replied the Englishwoman.

Is there a man or a voman in this valley vat does not know it?" "See here!" said McMurdo earnestly. "I want you to take back what you've said, or else make it good. One or the other you must do before I quit this room. Put yourself in my place. Here am I, a stranger in the town. I belong to a society that I know only as an innocent one.

"If you vont quit mithout my making you," he observed to Mrs. Wentworth in a brutal tone, "I must send for a police officer to take away. Gootness," he continued, speaking to himself, "I pelieve te voman is mat." "Save yourself the trouble," she replied, "I will leave. I am not yet mad," she added. "But, oh, God! the hour is fast approaching when madness must hold possession of my mind.

So I vatch you a little v'ile longer yet. T'en I say to myelf: 'Here is t'e voman; yes, she is found." And he chuckled and rubbed his lean hands together as I had so often seen him do. The thought flashed across my mind that this extraordinary man meditated a proposal of marriage, but I dismissed the notion as ridiculous.

Karl Ludwig jollies Oswald about those friends who seemed so surprised to see him. "Der voman vas luffly, und dot chentlemans vas bedder looging den mosd mens." At appointed time Oswald enters the hotel and sends up his card. An invitation to call at the Randolph rooms promptly follows. Conducted there, he is admitted.

"If Hugo he come vhile I am avay, you tell him I pring youst two three tings from my voman for you. I'm back right avay. So long, ma'am!" She was left alone for at least a quarter of an hour, and it reminded her of a long wait she had undergone in the reception-room of the hospital.

Place it in my power to call a physician and to procure medicines, and I shall never cease to bless you." He moved uneasily in his chair, and averted his head from where she was kneeling, not because he felt touched at her appeal, but because he felt annoyed at her importuning him for money. "Here my voman," he said at last. "Here is von tollar pill, dat is all I can give you."

As soon as she settles down into the armchair, go into the closet, draw aside the muslin curtains over the glass door, and watch her.... Do you understand?" "I oondershtand; you belief dat die pad voman is going to purn der vill." "I do not know what she will do; but I am sure of this that you will not take her for an angel afterwards. And now play for me; improvise and make me happy.

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