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I am convinc'd and pleas'd, my fears are vanish'd, and a heaven of solid joy is opened to my view, and I have nothing now in prospect but angel-brightness, glittering youth, dazzling beauty, charming sounds, and ravishing touches, and all around me ecstasies of pleasure, inconceivable transports without conclusion; Mahomet never fancied such a heaven, not all his paradise promised such lasting felicity, or ever provided there the recompense of such a maid as Sylvia, such a bewitching form, such soft, such glorious eyes, where the soul speaks and dances, and betrays love's secrets in every killing glance, a face, where every motion, every feature sweetly languishes, a neck all tempting and her lovely breast inviting presses from the eager lips; such hands, such clasping arms, so white, so soft and slender!

Judge, dear Antonio, my Surprize and Grief; A-while I stood unmov'd, thoughtless, and silent, But soon Rage wak'd me to new Life again; But what I said and did, I leave to raging Lovers, Like disappointed me, to guess and judge; She heard and only answer'd me in Tears, Nor could I beg one tender Word from her, She sigh'd, and shut the Window too, and vanish'd. Ant.

Also having made the Red, and consequently the Blew Tincture very Transparent, and suffer'd it to rest in a small open Vial for a Day or two, we found according to our Conjecture, that not only the Blew but the Red Colour also was Vanish'd; the clear Liquor being of a bright Amber Colour, at the bottom of which subsided a Light, but Copious feculency of almost the same Colour, which seems to be nothing but the Tincted parts of the Rose Leaves drawn out by the Acid Spirits of the Oyl of Vitriol, and Precipitated by the Volatile Salt of the Spirit of Urine, which makes it the more probable, that the Redness drawn by the Oyl of Vitriol, was at least as well an extraction of the Tinging parts of the Roses, as a production of Redness; and lastly, if you be destitute of Spirit of Urine, you may change the Colour of the Tincture of Roses with many other Sulphureous Salts, as a strong Solution of Pot-ashes, Oyl of Tartar, &c. which yet are seldome so free from Feculency, as the Spirituous parts of Urine becomes by repeated Distillation.

Another Shade I saw suborning Witnesses, giving them Instructions what to swear, packing Juries, banishing, hanging and beheading all his Enemies, sending immense Sums to foreign Courts, to support his Power at Home, bribing Senates, and carrying all before him without Controul, when he vanish'd.

I'll to the Gipsy, though I venture banging, To be undeceiv'd, 'tis hardly worth the hanging. SCENE III. The Chamber of Bellemante. Enter Scaramouch groping. Scar. Enter Harlequin groping. Har. Scar. Ha, I hear a soft Tread, if it were Mopsophil's, she wou'd not come by dark. Har. What a Devil, is it vanish'd? Scar. Devil, vanish'd! What can this mean? 'Tis a Man's Voice.

"Such scenes and sounds once blest my eyes And charm'd my ears; but all have vanish'd, On May-day now no garlands go, For milkmaids and their dance are banish'd." and saw pretty Nelly standing at her lodgings' door in Drury-lane in her smock sleeves and bodice, looking upon one: she seemed a mighty pretty creature. To the Hall and there walked a while, it being term.

"My Lord, replied the Patriot, this is an unexpected favour, and I am satisfied I owe it to your Lordship's Goodness. I hope an Opportunity to speak my Gratitude, will present it self; in the mean while count upon me, in whatever I can serve your Interest." At these Words, with a visible Joy in his Looks, he vanish'd. Three dirty Mechanicks appeared in a Shoemaker's Shop, who was a Dreamer.

The intelligible forms of ancient poets, The fair humanities of old religion, The power, the beauty, and the majesty, That had their haunts in dale, or piny mountains, Or forest, by slow stream, or pebbly spring Or chasms of wat'ry depths all these have vanish'd; They live no longer in the faith of reason!

But without storm, clouds, blackness and all, sped and vanish'd as suddenly as they had risen; and from a little after 9 till 11 the atmosphere and the whole show above were in that state of exceptional clearness and glory just alluded to. In the northwest turned the Great Dipper with its pointers round the Cynosure.

For fable is Love's world, his home, his birthplace: Delightedly dwells he 'mong fays, and talismans, And spirits, and delightedly believes Divinities, being himself divine The intelligible forms of ancient poets, The fair humanities of old religion, The power, the beauty, and the majesty, That had their haunts in dale, or piny mountain, Or forest, by slow stream, or pebbly spring, Or chasms and wat'ry depths all these have vanish'd; They live no longer in the faith of reason!