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The lines to Mary Boyle are all of the normal world, and worthy of a poet's youth and of the spring. Merlin and the Gleam is the spiritual allegory of the poet's own career: "Arthur had vanish'd I knew not whither, The king who loved me, And cannot die." So at last "All but in Heaven Hovers The Gleam," whither the wayfarer was soon to follow.

'The steed is vanish'd from the stall, No serf is seen in Hassan's hall, The lonely spider's thin grey pall Waves, slowly widening o'er the wall. 'Byron! exclaimed Philip. 'I hope you are not dwelling on him? 'Only a volume I found in my room. 'Oh, the "Giaour"! said Philip. 'Well, there is no great damage done; but it is bad food for excitable minds. Don't let it get hold of you.

These may be chiefly traced in the conduct of the narrative, and the tone of sentiment attributed to the fictitious personages. On the first point, although The talisman and magic wand were broke, Knights, dwarfs, and genii vanish'd into smoke,

We took up our Quarters in a sort of Savanna-Ground, that had very few Trees in it. The Land was good, and had several Quarries of Stone, but not loose, as the others us'd to be. All the Pine-Trees were vanish'd, for we had seen none for two days. We pass'd through a delicate rich Soil this day; no great Hills, but pretty Risings, and Levels, which made a beautiful Country.

Just when the Day is vanish'd into Night, And only twinkling Stars inform the World, Near to the Corner of the silent Wall, In Fields of Lincoln's-Inn, thy Spirit shall meet thee. Gay. Hum I am awake sure, and this is Gold I grasp. I could not see this Devil's cloven Foot; Nor am I such a Coxcomb to believe, But he was as substantial as his Gold.

I told him, I would satisfy his Curiosity in answering all his Questions, but desired he would give me some Time; for I had been so terrified by Phantoms, since my Arrival, that I was hardly capable of Recollection. While I was speaking, a Man on Horseback ran full speed upon me with a drawn Sabre, to cleave me down; but the Selenite waving his Hand, he soon vanish'd.

How the time passes away! To think it is over a year since I left home suddenly and have mostly been down in front since. The year has vanish'd swiftly, and oh, what scenes I have witness'd during that time! And the war is not settled yet; and one does not see anything certain, or even promising, of a settlement.

A banquet is laid, and Satan invites Jesus to partake of it. "What doubts the Son of God to sit and eat? These are not fruits forbidd'n." But Jesus refuses to touch the devil's meat "Thy pompous delicacies I contemn, And count thy specious gifts no gifts, but guiles." So they were, for at a word "Both table and provision vanish'd quite, With sound of harpies' wings and talons heard."

For fable is Love's world, his home, his birthplace: Delightedly dwells he 'mong fays, and talismans, And spirits, and delightedly believes Divinities, being himself divine The intelligible forms of ancient poets, The fair humanities of old religion, The power,the beauty, and the majesty, That had their haunts in dale, or piny mountain, Or forest, by slow stream, or pebbly spring, Or chasms and wat'ry depths all these have vanish'd; They live no longer in the faith of reason!

The exquisite Plot of these High Solunarians answer'd the Crolians End, for it broke all their Enemies Measures, the Law vanish'd, the Grandees could hardly be perswaded to read it, and when it was propos'd to be read again, they hist at it, and threw it by with Contempt.