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Updated: August 12, 2024

When he found his ma felt bad he bust out cryin' and said he'd scrape it all off again and when it come prayer time he'd tell God who did it, so He'd know 'twa'n't mother that wasted the nice butter. What do you think of that?" "No use talkin', Hiram," said the depot master, "that's the kind of boy to have." "You bet you! Hello! here's the train. On time, for a wonder. See you later, Sol.

"WILL you shut up?" demanded Captain Sol. "Go on, Barzilla." "Me bein' old enough to be her dad," with a glare at Captain Bailey, "and not bein' too proud to talk with hired help. I never did have that high-toned notion. 'Twa'n't so long since I was a fo'mast hand. "So Effie told me a lot about herself.

They don't dare to leave him alone a minute not a minute. An' Mis' McGuire, she was wonderin' if if you couldn't help 'em out some way." "I?" The short ejaculation was full of amazement. "Yes. That's what she come over for this mornin'." "I? They forget." Keith fell back bitterly. "John McGuire might get hold of a dozen revolvers, and I wouldn't know it." "Oh, 'twa'n't that.

"No 'twa'n't, Fannie; 'twas in 1881," complained Mr. Ebbitt. Miss Nash waited for the end of this interruption as though it were a noise which merely had to be endured, like the Elevated. Twice she drew in her breath to speak, and the whole table laid its collective knife and fork down to listen. All she said was: "Oh, will you pardon me if I speak of it now, Mrs.

At the same moment Judge Fulsom made his appearance, elbowing his smiling way through the crowd, a brimming saucer of vari-colored ice cream in each hand. "Here we are!" he announced cheerfully. "Had to get a habeas corpus on this ice cream, though. Why, what's become of Miss Orr? Gone with a handsomer man eh?" He stared humorously at the minister. "Twa'n't you, dominie; seen' you're here.

But I'd enough sight rather you was a good man than the very greatest. No reason why you can't be both. There was a preacher over in Galilee once, so you told us yesterday, who was just good. 'Twa'n't till years afterwards that the crowd came to realize that he was great, too. And, if I recollect right, he chummed in with publicans and sinners. I'm glad you tore up that fool paper of mine.

'Twa'n't a remark cal'lated to encourage conversation, so I didn't try again not till his umbrella turned inside out on the Denboro platform. Ho! ho! I wish you'd have seen his face then." At Denboro he pointed out Pete Shattuck's livery stable, where the horse and buggy came from which had been the means of transporting Graves and himself to South Denboro. "See!" he cried.

'Lord! says I, 'Josh; that's on'y Genesis! 'twon't do the erysipelas a mite o' good for you to be settin' there reading the be'gats! You better turn to Revelation. But 'twa'n't all on his side, nuther. 'Twas give an' take with them. It used to seem as if Lyddy Ann kind o' worshipped him. 'Josh' we all called him; but she used to say 'Joshuay, an' look at him as if he was the Lord A'mighty."

What if we be gittin' on a little mite in years? We ain't underground yit, be we? I see a real good ninepenny paper once, all covered over with green brakes. I declare if 'twa'n't sweet pretty! Well, whether I paper or whether I don't, I've got some thoughts of a magenta sofy. I'm tired to death o' that old horsehair lounge that sets in my clock-room.

"When I found it I wondered why he hadn't sold it when he was hard up, which was often 'nough, goodness knows, but after I hid it, he said he'd kept holdin' on to it fer the time when he'd need the money more, but I think he was 'fraid ter sell it. Knowin' 'twa'n't his'n, he thought he might git 'cused er hevin' stolen it."

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