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Hai'n't they nothing but roots and berries up your way? Mass' George Wingate must have a jolly time, feasting, in that case. Come, what's your story? Out with the whole pack of lies at once." "I hope massa thinks we wouldn't tell nuffin but de truf," said Jim, who had not before spoken save to say, "Thankee," "cause if he don't bleeve us, ain't no use in talkin'." "You shut up!

Morris, gathering up his reins. "And, by the way, Grandison, do you expect to make that payment on your place which is due next week?" "Yaas, sah, sartin shuh," said Grandison. "I done tole you I'd do it, Mahs'r Morris, an' I 'tends ter stick ter de truf." "Now, den," said Grandison, in a tone of triumph, when Mr.

When dark come, de men folks would hang up a wash pot, bottom up'ards, in de little brush church-house us had, so's it would catch de noise an' de oberseer wouldn' hear us singin' an' shoutin'. Dey didn' min' us meetin' in de day time, but dey thought iffen we stayed up ha'f de night we wouldn' work so hard de nex' day an' dat was de truf. "You should'a seen some of de niggers get 'ligion.

"Jus' lemme study a little, an' I'll tell you 'bout de Big House. It was 'bout 60 feet long, built o' hewed logs, in two parts. De floors was made o' clay dey didn' have lumber for floors den. Us lived right close to de Big House in a cabin. To tell de truf, de fac' o' de business is, my Marster took care o' me better'n I can take care o' myse'f now.

"Only what?" asked the eldest Rover, as he saw the colored servant hesitate. "Well, to tell de truf, he seems kind of funny to me." "How funny?" "Here," and Aleck tapped his forehead. "Do you mean that he is crazy?" "Not dat persackly, Massah Dick, but he said sum mighty funny t'ings when we was talkin' acted like he was t'inkin' ob sumt'ing else." "Humph!

"What is your last name, Julianna?" Diantha asked her. "I suppose, as a matter o' fac' its de name of de last nigger I married," she replied. "Dere was several of 'em, all havin' different names, and to tell you de truf Mis' Bell, I got clean mixed amongst 'em. But Julianna's my name world without end amen." So Diantha had to waive her theories about the surnames of servants in this case.

I went straight ter de house, suh, an' went ter bed an' ter sleep widout sayin' a wo'd ter a single soul excep' Mistuh Tom, who wuz settin' up readin' a book w'en I come in. I wish I may drap dead in my tracks, suh, ef dat ain't de God's truf, suh, eve'y wo'd of it!"

"No, honey, I ain't seed 'im wen he wuz dat way; dat wuz fo' my time; but den I know hit's de truf, do; his tail wuz er clar blue dout'n no eyes on it; an' he wuz er pow'ful proud bird, an', 'stid er him 'ten'in ter his bizness, he des prumeraded de streets an' de roads, an' he felt hisse'f too big fur ter ten' ter his wuck.

Charity followed me to the train, protesting to the last that "Marse Jack gwine doubt her velocity when she tell him de truf bout her lady going a-gaddin' off by herse'f and payin' no mind to her ole mammy's prosterations." I asked her to come with me as maid. She refused; said her church was to have an ice-cream sociable and she had "to fry de fish."

"How many men are there at the fort?" "Only twenty, sar; all gone ober to New Orleans, sar." "How many guns has it? I mean big guns, Uncle Job?" "I done count only four ob dem w'en I was dar last time." "Only four!" exclaimed Mr. Pennant. "Are you telling me the truth, Uncle Job?" "I neber spoke noffin but the truf, Massa Ossifer."