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When Claudia had reached this part of her vision she screamed and covered her eyes, and the soldiers and servants who had crowded about, drew back in terror, their gaze transfixed. Suddenly she cried, throwing her hands out to the eunuch: "I must have speech with Pilate. Fly thou to the Judgment Seat! Let no door stop thee! Let no guard stay thy feet!

The Holy Virgin conceived without " She stopped. During this moment when her thoughts were misty and her soul floated in a region of fantasy her naivete made her attribute to that last look with which her lover transfixed her the occult power of the visitation of the angel to the Mother of her Lord.

Jasmine had stood transfixed while the first words were sung, then, as the last line was reached, staring straight in front of her, as though she saw again the body of Adrian Fellowes in the room by the river, she gave a cry, which sounded half laughter and half torture, and fell heavily on the polished floor. Rudyard ran forward and lifted her in his arms.

You would have been jolly well transfixed, my friend! These she that woman they are but clumsy amateurs! If she were here, to dance with her snakes for you, you would have been jolly well dancing with her, if she had wished it! Perhaps you shall see her dance some day! Ah, here is Ismail," he added in an altered tone of voice. He seemed relieved at sight of the Afridi.

Walter! She shrieked, and put her hands up to her head, in an attitude of terror that transfixed him where he stood. 'Don't say that word! He never, from that hour, forgot the voice and look with which she stopped him at the name. He felt that if he were to live a hundred years, he never could forget it. Somewhere anywhere but never home! All past, all gone, all lost, and broken up!

Lennon had picked out his Indian and sent a bullet to his heart; but the Indian in the agonies of death made a lunge at Lennon with his spear and transfixed him. They both fell at the Bloody Tanks in the embrace of death.

There was a delighted little shriek from "Auntie!" and the warmest salutations of welcome; and the next moment Miss Millet, with the captain's daughter, arm in arm, embracing one another, entered the parlour. The coastguardsman was transfixed, for there, before him, flushed and panting, stood

"And I think at the end of my treatment that you will stand a considerably better chance of winning her favour than you do at present," he added, faintly smiling. An awful silence followed his words. Dinghra stood as though transfixed for the space of twenty seconds. Then, without word or warning of any sort, with a single spring inexpressibly bestial, he leapt at Rivington's throat.

Your bed will be hemlock boughs be sure to lay the branch-end out and the soft end in or you'll dream of sleeping transfixed and bayoneted on a nine foot redwood stump. Sage brush smells and cedar odors, you will have without paying for a cedar chest. If you want softer bed and mixed perfumes, better stay in Newport. The Forestry Department will not resent your coming.

In that act she checked, startled, transfixed, the laugh freezing into a gasp of alarm. Brass rings slithered on a pole supporting the portières at the back of the room. These parted. Through them a man emerged. Her grasp on the picture relaxed. It struck a corner against the chair and clattered on the floor the canvas on its stretcher simultaneously flying out of the frame. "Victor!"