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Updated: August 20, 2024

'Naething, answered Mac, and refused to be drawn into further conversation. Within half an hour she was back, flushed and bright of eye. She had on a pink print, crisp and fresh, a flowery hat, gloves carefully mended, neat shoes and transparent stockings. 'By Jings, ye're dressed to kill at a thoosan' yairds! Willie observed. Ignoring him, she looked anxiously for the other's approval.

"Let me gang, wuman, wi' yer reid draigons! I'll hairm naebody. The puir idiot's no muckle the waur, an' I'll tak mair tent whan I fire anither time." "Wiser fowk nor me maun see to that," answered Janet. "Hoots, wuman! it was naething but an accident." "I kenna; but it'll be seen what Gibbie says." "Awva! his word's guid for naething." "For a penny, or a thoosan' poun'."

"A thoosan' poun'! No ae baubee! Cosmo, I wad hae thoucht ye had mair sense! Ye can gie me the twa poun' ten I gae to Grizzie to help haud the life in 's a'. A body maun hae something i' their pooch gien they can, an' gien they canna, they maun du wi' naething. It's won'erfu' hoo little 's railly wantit!" Cosmo felt miserable. "Ye winna surely gang ohn seein' Maister Simon!"

"Weel, Aggie, I daurna temp' ye to bide gien ye oucht to gang; an' ye wad but despise me gien I was fule eneuch to try 't. But ye canna refuse to share wi' me. That wadna be like ane 'at had the same father an' the same maister. Tak a thoosan' poun' to begin wi', an' gang an' an' du onything ye like, only dinna work yersel' to deith wi' rouch wark. I canna bide to think o' 't."

To this proceedin that is, my gaun to Glasgow I was further induced by anither circumstance. There was a mercantile hoose there, wi' which my faither had dealt for twenty years, an' which had gotten, frae first to last, mony a thoosan pounds o' his money a' weel an' punctually paid.

To his astonishment, there was enough in it for a good many meals! He turned again, and stared at Grizzie. But she had once more seated herself in his father's chair, with her back to him, and before he could speak she went on thus: "Shame fa' him, say I,'at made his siller as a flesher i' the wast wyn' o' Howglen, to ettle at a gentleman o' a thoosan' year for ane o' his queans!

Burns's shop, an' hauding a heap o' conference wi' im about them; an' I tell ye, sir, they're maistly a' di'mon's; an' the nummer o' thoosan' poun' they maun be worth gien they be worth a saxpence, I daurna guess!" "They'll be eneuch to pey oor debts ony gait, ye think, Cosmo?" "Ay, that wull they an' mony a hun'er times ower. They're maistly a guid size, an' no a feow o' them lairge."

"Doobtless: the Makker has taen a heap o' pains wi the skin! Ony gait, yon lassie's ane amang ten thoosan! Jeemie sud be on his k-nees til her this vera moment no sitting there glowerin as gien his twa een war twa bullets fired aff, but never won oot o' their barrels!" "Hoot! wad ye hae him gang on his k-nees til ony but the Ane!"

"Ay, lass! but gien ye hed this ashmy, makin' a' yer breist as gien 'twar lined wi' the san' paper 'at they hed been lichtin' a thoosan' or twa lucifer spunks upo' ye micht be driven to forget 'at the Lord was yer life for I can tell ye it's no like haein his breith i' yer nostrils." "Eh, my bonny laad!" returned Janet with infinite tenderness, "I micht weel forget it!

And sae on I gaed till, ahint ane o' the thoosan' doors, I saw the reek-enamelled couples o' my auld mither's bit hoosie upo' the mairgin o' the bog, and she was hingin' ower me, sayin' her prayers as gin she wad gang efter them like a balloon wi' verra fervour. And whan she saw my een open, she drappit upo' her knees and gaed on prayin'. And I wonner that thae prayers warna hearkent till.

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