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"Yes," the good old man repeated, "ef I knowed I could stir in every blame thing thet's got a ribbon bow or a bo'quet on it, I'd take a spoon to this table now an' stir the whole business up an' start fresh!" Still, as his hand tipped a bottle presently, he caught it and set it cautiously back in its place.

Blakeston, in an effort to tear herself away from her husband, had knocked up against the wash-hand stand, and the whole thing had crashed down. 'Go on, John, said the wife. 'No, I ain't goin'; I shan't do no good, an' 'e'll only round on me. 'Well, you are a bloomin' lot of cowards, thet's all I can say, indignantly answered the wife.

They listened to Dan's tale with close attention. "We ought to go fer to string the half-breed up," was the comment of one of the woodsmen. "We've got enough trouble on hand without allowin' sech chaps to make more." "Thet's jest the size on it," added another. "String him up on the spot."

"Aw! She's jest gone to sleep," declared Anson, shaking his long frame as he rose. "Gimme a light." "Boss, you're plumb off to go near a dead gurl thet's jest died crazy," protested Shady Jones. "Off! Haw! Haw! Who ain't off in this outfit, I'd like to know?"

"Miss Hammond, I'm givin' notice I resign my job," he said. "Monty! What do you mean? What does Nels mean now, when danger threatens?" "We jest quit. Thet's all," replied Monty, tersely. He was stern and somber; he could not stand still; his eyes roved everywhere. Castleton jumped up from the log where he had been sitting, and his face was very red. "Mr.

Her lips and eyes were sober as she replied. "I reckon thet's all right." "And what's worse, I've got to be more trouble. Did you see anything of a brown mule?" She shook her head. "He must have wandered off. May I ask to whom I'm indebted for this first aid to the injured?" "I don't know what ye means."

The bee's tail was moving faintly and Uncle Eb laid him out in the warm sunlight and fanned him awhile with his hat, trying to bring back the breath of life. 'Guilty! he said, presently, coming back with a sober face. 'Thet's a dead bee. No tellin' how many was dependent on him er what plans he bed. Must a gi'n him a lot o' pleasure t' fly round in the sunlight, workin' every fair day.

"All right, Bill," said Sandy soothingly; "we warn't allowin' to have a scrap, but the people o' this yere town is got too big a idea o' themselves, thet's all." "Come away, Sandy," advised Dick, laughing. "Maybe we'll take a little of the starch out of them this afternoon." Sandy at last allowed himself to be persuaded, and the cowboys rode off.

"Tom, why must you always be reckoning to kill somebody?" demanded Helen, angrily. "'Cause somebody's got to be killed 'round here. Thet's why!" he snapped back. "Even so should you risk leaving Bo and me without a friend?" asked Helen, reproachfully. At that Carmichael wavered and lost something of his sullen deadliness. "Aw, Miss Nell, I'm only mad.

"Thar warn't no needcessity," said Pop complacently, taking a long twist of tobacco from his pocket. "Sal don't need no larnin'. She's pearter then most gals thet's got book sense. You show me ary one of these gals round here thet kin spin an' weave the cloth to mek ther own dresses, thet kin mold candles, an' mek soap, an' hoe terbaccy, an' handle a rifle good ez a man." "But, Mr.