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I'm here to move these beeves along to the Fort. Prince an' that Clanton may have gone on a tear an' got into trouble or they may not. I don't care a plugged nickel which way it is. I'm not keepin' herd on them, an' what's more I don't intend to." "We can't leave 'em thataway. Dad gum it, we got to stand by the boys, Joe. That's what Webb would tell us if he was here." "But he ain't here, Dad.

"Ma, are you going to stand there and let her talk to me thataway? I notice she's willing to borrow my loud shirtwaists and my loud gloves and my loud collars." "If ma had more gumption with you, maybe things would be different." Mrs. Hassiebrock limped to the door, dangling a pail. "I 'ain't got no more strength against her. My ears won't hold no more. I'm taking this hot oil down to Mrs.

They didn't tell me." "Sounds reasonable, and you in with them on the deal," said Sanders. "Well, you're in hard luck. We don't give two hoots for you, anyhow, but we decided to take you in to town with us if you came through clean. If not " He shrugged his shoulders and glanced up at the branch above. Miller swallowed a lump in his throat. "You wouldn't treat me thataway, Mr. Sanders.

Here she lifted the cover of the basket a little, and gazed nervously within. "Look at there!" she said. "Look at the way they lookin' at me! Don't you look at me thataway, you Feef an' Meemuh!" She clapped the lid down and fastened it. "Fixin' to jump out an' grab me, was you?" "I guess, maybe," said Florence, "maybe I better go ask Aunt Julia if I and Herbert can't wash 'em.

The Major's nature was too mellow and easy-going to pay any attention to final g's. Chad lifted his old gun and pointed up the road. "I'm a-goin' thataway." "Well, don't you want to ride?" "Yes," he said, simply. "Climb right in, my boy."

I don't think Rack oughta hafta pay, because he wouldn't 'a' had to sleep there on the table only bein' druv out thataway he couldn't help it like." "Huh how much, Bill?" inquired Swing in a still small voice, and thrust his hand within his pocket. "Well, seein' as it's you, Swing," was the prompt reply, "I'll only say ten dollars and six bits. And that's dirt cheap.

Thus Bull, stubbornly. "I ain't aimin' to make money out of Harpe. What I'm figuring to make out of him is somethin' else again." "Whatsa use of lying thataway? Don't " "That'll be about all," interrupted Racey. "You've called me a liar enough for one night. I ain't got all kinds of patience. You going to tell me what I want to know?" "No, I ain't." "Yo're mistaken.

"What else would you have me to do?" says the Pope, quite dogged like to see himself bate thataway at his own waypons. "Sure," says he, "Anthony wouldn't undherstand a B from a bull's foot, if I spoke to him any other way."

Travennes had reached a most passionate part in "Juanita" and was expanding his lungs to do it justice he was rudely stopped by the insistent pressure of his guard's Colt's on the most ticklish part of his ear. "I shore wish yu wouldn't strain yoreself thataway," said Mr. Cassidy, thinking that Mr. Travennes might be endeavoring to call assistance.

I bet yo' sing out loud sometimes?" "Hit's so," Rasba admitted. "I sung right smart comin' down the Ohio. Seems like I jest wanted to sing, like birds in the posey time." "Prebol shore should git to a doctor, shot up thataway. He didn't say which lady shot him, Parson?" a woman asked. "No; jes' a lady into an eddy into a lonesome bend." Rasba shook his head.