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Updated: August 8, 2024

At the foot of the range Overland gave his companion a canteen and a piece of gunnysack wrapped round some hardtack and jerked beef. "Don't I need my gun this time?" queried Winthrop. "Nope, Billy. 'Cause why? You don't generally kill a little gopher or a little owl that's settin' up tendin' to his business, because you ain't scared of them.

If he spatters a drop on the bar, it shows he's a bungler, onfit for his high p'sition, an' oughter be out on the hills tendin' goats instead of dealin' pulque. "What do they do with the sour pulque? Make mescal of it a sort o' brandy, two hookers of which changes you into a robber. No, thar's mighty few still-houses in Mexico.

It's a lovely game." The doctor nodded. He knew something of "'tendin' games" too. "I have to taste everything he eats, for fear of Paris green," Pearl went on, speaking now in the loud official tone of the body-guard. "I have to stand between him and the howlin' mob thirstin' for his gore." "He seems to howl more than the mob," the doctor said smiling.

He'll take all the chances there is, though to a man that's lived on the Kennebec there ain't what can rightly be called any turrible chances on the Saco." "He'd better be 'tendin' to his farm," objected Mrs. Wiley. "His hay is all in," Rose spoke up quickly, "and he only helps on the river when the farm work is n't pressing.

She was not going to see this helpless little girl imposed on, however. "The little gal ain't goin' to get bent all over, tendin' that heavy baby, Dorcas," she proclaimed. "You can jist make up your mind to it. She didn't come here to do sech work." Dorcas had to make up her mind to it, but it rankled.

"Any side thet you're a mind to." "On which side is the channel?" "Sometimes on one side, sometimes t' other." "Which side do you consider best?" "I aint 'tendin' t' other people's business." "Which side do the steamboats take?" "Its owin' to what captain's on." "Wouldn't you kindly advise me which side to take?" "Reckon I bes' not." "Why?" "Frien's o' mine on both sides wants to see you."

"His breakfast was as cold as a grave stun, and she didn’t keer if ’twas. She had enough to do ’tendin’ to other affairs, without keepin’ the niggers and dogs from porkin’ thar noses in it." At a late hour Dr. Lacey awoke from his uneasy slumber. The return of morning brought comparative calmness to his troubled spirit. Hope whispered that what he had heard might be a mistake.

To our excited imaginations what dazzling triumphs the future held out for Teddy. "Yep; Ted's still a-beout. Three days in the week he drives stage coach over to Spicerville, and the rest o' the time he does odd jobs sort o' tendin' round." And Sallie Cotton black-eyed, curly-haired, mischievous little sprite, the agony of the teacher and the love and admiration of the boys!

She felt wild and happy, and it came to her that a man who could behave like this when he had made up his mind, might be allowed a long time in coming to it. But she tried reproving him. "O Jerry, the horse'll freeze to death!" "No, he won't. He's all blanketed. Besides, little Jim Pillsbury's there tendin' the fire for the sociable, an' he'll find him.

Anyway, seein' it was plantin' time, he'd better be to hum tendin' to his own business, if he had any." Sally was a shrewd, sharp-sighted girl, and already had her preference in favor of Michael Welsh, father's hired man. Walking, riding on horseback, and wasting time generally, Sally held in great abhorrence. "All she wished to say to Mike on week days, she could tell him milking time."

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