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"You may very well say that, Aunt Ri," laughed the Agent, complacently. "It is the most troublesome Agency in the whole list, and the least satisfactory." "Wall, I allow it mought be the least satisfyin'," rejoined the indefatigable Aunt Ri; "but I donno whar the trouble comes in, ef so be's thar's no more kin be done than yer wuz er tellin'." And she looked honestly puzzled.

"Look here, Barker," and Jim squared his shoulders as he looked steadily at the other man; "you're boss here, and I takes orders from you, but if I catches you abusin' Poll, your bein' boss won't make no difference." "You can't bluff me," shouted Barker. "I ain't bluffin'; I'm only TELLIN' yer," said Jim, very quietly. "Well, you TELL her to get onto her job. If she don't she quits, that's all."

And as Tyler and Miss Cunningham approached him he was saying, "Well, it's got so I can't sleep in anything but a hammick. Yessir! Why, when I was fifteen years old I was " He caught Tyler's eye. "Hello!" he called, genially. "Meet me friend." This to the bevy surrounding him. "I was just tellin' these ladies here " And he was off again. All the tales that he told were not necessarily true.

"Why, I haven't been saying a word!" he cried. Polly laughed as she ran to the door. "No, you haven't," she answered mockingly, as one agrees with a child whose feelings have been hurt. "He's only been tellin' me he loved " Pausing an instant, she pointed at Echo, ending her sentence with a shouted "you." With her hand on Jack's shoulder, Echo said: "Polly, you are a flirt.

Well, well, there's no tellin' how ignorant the wurruld can be. St. Droid aw, he was a good man that brought the two children of Chief Diarmid and Queen Moira together. You didn't know about them two? You niver h'ard of Chief Diarmid and Queen Moira and their two lovely children? Well, there it is, there's no sayin' how ignorant y'are if y'are not Irish. Aw no, they wasn't man and wife.

"Jim says Katy's that sweet an' pleasant about it that ye can't do nothin'. She tells 'em she's kerrectin' 'em fur their own good, an' that they need culturin'. An' Jim says she spends all o' meal-time tellin' 'bout the things on the table, salt, an' where folks git it, an' pepper, an' tumblers, an' how folks make 'em.

And if it don't make him feel warm inside and mighty proud of bein' who he is, why, it's because he's so dog-gone old he can't think. I ain't tellin' no secret when I say that the little lady put her name in that watch alongside of mine. And her name bein' there is what makes that present a big thing bigger than any piano that was ever built.

"You don't mean to say that you believe the cuss done the best he could?" "I think I do, Linton." "Shucks. Women is odd that way, ain't they? You ain't tellin' me that you think he's on the level that his reputation ain't as bad as some folks make believe it is, an' that he's square?" "I believe he's square, Linton!" the girl answered, firmly.

"Get ye gone, ye baste," replied the amiable Misthress Wheelwright, "you mallet-headed bog-throtter, to hinsult an honest woman all of a suddint so. No gintilman would thrifle with a dacent woman afther this gate, whin he'd niver seen her." "Och, murther in Irish now, and it's the blissed thruth, Misthress Judy, that I was tellin ye. But thin, such is the way of the world Saint Pathrick save us!

Dale. 'What d'ye think of that? Two weeks in over thirty years of hard work! But that reminds me of somethin' else an', sez I, 'Who pays yer salary, Mr. Dale? D'ye mind tellin' me that? "'The Mission Board' sez he. "'An' do ye git it reglar? sez I. "'Every month, sez he. "'I thought so, sez I. 'An' d'ye think the parson here gits his every month? "'I don't know, sez he.