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Now to sum it up," sez he, with some the mean of a preacher or, ruther, a exhauster "to sum the matter all up, the words 'bretheren, 'laymen, etc., always means wimmen so fur as this: punishment for all offenses, strict obedience to the rules of the church, work of any kind and all kinds, raisin' money, givin' money all that is possible, teachin' in the Sabbath school, gettin' up missionary and charitable societies, carryin' on the same with no help from the male sect leavin' that sect free to look after their half of the meanin' of the word sallerys, office, makin' the laws that bind both of the sexes, rulin' things generally, translatin' Bibles to suit their own idees, preachin' at 'em, etc., etc.

She sat looking at the gun and thinking intently for a long time; and then she said pityingly: "I don't know jest what you could a-said 'at 'ud make a man go off an' leave a gun like that. Poor fellow! I do hope, Abram, you didn't come down on him too awful strong. Maybe he lost his mother when he was jest a little tyke, an' he hasn't had much teachin'."

I am so sorry for it all, only I cannot understand it. 'Be thankfu' if ye dinna, then, replied Liz curtly. 'I'm no' very ceevil to ye. I am much obleeged to ye for comin', for the flooers, an' mair than a', for teachin' Wat to read. Her face became quite soft in its outline; the harshness died out of her bright eyes, leaving them lovely beyond expression.

Are you goin' to begin teachin' this mornin'?" "Yes; and I hope to produce a favorable impression. It is very important to me to please Mrs. Leighton and my future pupil." "I'm sure you'll suit. How nice you look!" Florence smiled, and looked pleased.

I told her it was, and then she went on to say, givin' me no chance to explain nothin', that she didn't want to have anything to do with you; that she thought it was a shame to turn people's houses into paupers' hospitals for the purpose of teachin' medical students; that she had heard of you, and what she had heard she hadn't liked.

I ought to be back thar in the East, teachin' school or makin' laws fur somebody." Paul's eyes wandered from Sol to his comrade, and he saw Henry suddenly move, ever so little, then fix his gaze on a point in the forest, three or four hundred yards away. Paul looked, too, and saw nothing, but he knew well enough that Henry's keener gaze had detected an alien presence in the bushes.

"Well, I never! All them hundreds of acres of land an' money in the bank an' mortgages on half his neighbours. Whut the nation! An' no more of better clo's an' you got! An' teachin' school! I never heard of the like in all my days!" "If you have Bates history down so fine, you should know that every girl of the entire Bates family has taught from the time she finished school until she married.

An' isn't all the children an' the quarrymen just mad over yer teachin' an' singin'? An' look at what yer know an' can do! Didn't wan of the Sisters tell me the other day: 'Mrs. McCann, says she, 'Aileen Armagh is an expurrt in embroidery, an' could earn her livin' by it. An' wasn't Mrs. Caukins after praisin' yer cookin' an' sayin' you beat the whole Gore on yer doughnuts?

"He hasn't had no larnin' nor teachin' of anythin'; but it is what he wants, poor chile, and he often asks me things I can't answer for want of not knowin' nuthin' myself." "And what is this?" said Miss Schuyler, touching the box with violin strings across it, which was on a chair beside her.

"It is like you," she said, in a broken voice, "and I have nothing to say." "You are welcome to my land, White Rose, an' there is nothin' to be said." Then she bent her head over her sewing, feeling, indeed, that there was little use for words. "Do you know," he asked, breaking a protracted silence, "that you have got to give up teachin'?" "And do what? I might take to gardening.