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Updated: August 12, 2024

"'What! says I, coming closer. 'So you're going to fix up the British Navy next? "'Goin to try, says he, rollin out that tarrible great laugh of his 'God helpin me. "That was a bit too much. "'Well, I'm a sailor myself, says I, 'and an Englishman. So, mind yourself! And I goes for him blind. "He never budge: just blew his whistle; and a dozen of em sprang out o nowhere.

Noo yon's a tarrible descreepancy, ye ken, so ah says to masel, ah'll be up sides wi' ye, ma lad. Naebody's got the better o' Jinit Johnstone yet, an' naebody's gaun tae; an' ah thocht Maister Coulson could jist tell me if the lads hae ony hand on the ferm lawyer bodies kens a' aboot thae things an' whit a wife's portion is, gin he should slip awa. An' ax him tae, whit ma rights 'll be.

'I think it must have been a retriever, John, replied my aunt gravely, yet I thought a waft from her eye stole towards me as she spoke, 'for "Geordie" swears it was a tarrible great savage durg; but it may be, of course, that he had forgotten himself and your exhortations, at the King's Head last night, and mistaken a collie for a retriever. I found it difficult not to smile, for, if my uncle had been 'pulling my aunt's leg' she was certainly twitching his cassock.

She puttend to be tarrible shocked well, o' co'se thass right! Hid away in the hills at Rosemont. But I kin git her on a day's notice. All I got to espress myself is Majo' Gyarnit, seh!

Bowen usually played checkers in the cabin with the keeper, Nelson, and while they played the keeper gave him the gossip. He had been nineteen years on Tide Rip Shoal light-ship, had keeper Nelson. "No, no things never happen. He blow and she tumble about and her chain chafe chafe tarrible sometime. Nineteen year those chain ban chafe so. Good ol' 67, she ban right dere.

"To die!" said he, staggering back; "to be in eternity to-morrow! to have to face God before twelve o'clock! tarrible! tar rible! tarrible! Can no one save me? To die to morrow! tarrible! tarrible! tarrible! Oh that I could sink into the earth! that the ground 'ud swlly me!" The sheriff advised him to be a man, and told him to turn to God, who, if he repented, would in no wise cast him out.

I knowed well I was on'y driftun away. "It was tarrible lonely in the night, when night comed; it's no use! 'T was tarrible lonely: but I 'ould n' think, ef I could help it; an' I prayed a bit, an' kep' up my psalms, an' varses out o' the Bible, I'd a-larned. I had n' a-prayed for sleep, but for wakun all night, an' there I was, standun.

Oh, if I had as little to answer for now as he, I could die die! Sweet Jasus, an' must I die to-morrow be in the flames o' hell afore twelve o'clock? tarrible! terrible!" It was absolutely, to use his own word, "terrible," to witness the almost superhuman energy of his weakness.

Tired I was wi' goun, though I had n' walked more n' a twenty or thirty mile, mubbe, an' it all comun down so fast as I could go up, an' faster, an' never stoppun! 'T was a tarrible long journey up over the driftun ice, at sea! Then I felt somethun tryun to turn me round like, an' it seemed as ef she was doun it, somehow, an' she seemed to be very nigh, somehow, an' I did n' look.

"Too bad, Miz Yellett, that you-uns had to hire that gov’ment without lookin’ over her p’ints. I’ve ben takin’ her in durin’ supper, and she’ll never be able to thrash ’em past Clem. She mought be able to thrash Clem if she got plumb mad, these yere slim wimmin is tarrible wiry ’n’ active at such times, but she’ll never be able to thrash beyant her."

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