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"To die!" said he, staggering back; "to be in eternity to-morrow! to have to face God before twelve o'clock! tarrible! tar rible! tarrible! Can no one save me? To die to morrow! tarrible! tarrible! tarrible! Oh that I could sink into the earth! that the ground 'ud swlly me!" The sheriff advised him to be a man, and told him to turn to God, who, if he repented, would in no wise cast him out.

It is out of my power to decide for how long I lost my consciousness; but when I came to myself I found that Miss Herbey had folded some wet bandages around my forehead. I am somewhat better; but I am weakened, mind and body, and I am conscious that I have not long to live. A frightful fatality occurred to-day. The scene was ter- rible. Jynxstrop the negro went raving mad.

I shivered with a thrill of horror; a calamity the most ter- rible that can befall a voyager stared me in the face, and it was some seconds before I could recover sufficient com- posure to inquire when the fire was first discovered. "Six days ago," replied the mate. "Six days ago!" I exclaimed; "why, then, it was that night."

An iron-foundry, or some hor- rible establishment which is conditioned upon tall chimneys and a noise of hammering and banging, has been established near at hand; but the cypresses shut it out well enough, and this small patch of Elysium is a very romantic corner.

"Ah?" said young M'Loughlin, "you have the ball at your own foot now, but if we were man to man, with equal weapons, there would be none of this swagger." "What's tha-at the young rible says," said 'the drunken fellow, deliberately covering him with his cavalry pistol "another word, and I'll let day-light through you."

Probably it is he; but, if it be, I wonder whether he has reckoned up the consequences of so rash an act. JANUARY 20 to 22. For the day or two after the hor- rible repast of the 18th those who had partaken of it ap- peared to suffer comparatively little either from hunger or thirst; but for the four of us who had tasted nothing, the agony of suffering grew more and more intense.