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Scott and Charley were great lovers and consumers of "tanglefoot," and they soon got gloriously drunk, keeping it up for three days, during which time they gambled with the ranchmen, who got away with all their money; but little they cared for that, as they had their spree.

"Whenst ye fust spoke o' digging" said Kinnicutt, interrupting a lengthening account of the bear's mental and moral graces, "I 'lowed ez ye mought be sayin' ez they air layin' off ter work agin in the Tanglefoot Mine." Ozias Crann lifted a scornful chin.

Having committed myself, I had all the sensations of a fly caught on a sheet of "Tanglefoot," or a prisoner of war chained to a Roman chariot; but in the end I enjoyed myself hugely. Nothing better has happened to me since I used to be taken to look at the toyshops the day before Christmas. No, not even my first pantomime could beat this as an experience!

"A turrible man? w-w-well," stuttered the idiot, who had of late assumed all the port of coherence; he snatched and held a part in the colloquy, so did the dignity of labor annul the realization of his infirmity, "then I'd be obleeged ter him ef ef ef he'd stay out'n Tanglefoot Cove." "So would I." The miller laughed uneasily.

"I'm fur the Union fust an' last an' all the time." The old man wagged his head solemnly with a blight of forecast on his wrinkled, aged face. "That thar sayin' is goin' ter be mighty hard ter live up to whilst Jerome Ackert's critter company is a-raidin' of Tanglefoot Cove." The presence of the "critter company" was indeed calculated to inspire a most obsequious awe.

Somebody in Tanglefoot the Lord only knows who showed Tolhurst that underground way out ter Greenbrier Cove, through a sorter cave or tunnel in the mountings." "Now now neighbor that's guesswork," remonstrated the miller, in behalf of Tanglefoot Cove repudiating the responsibility.

"The same. The auld boy, whilst in his cups, is bettin' she can beat anythin' on four legs, even jack rabbits an' antelope. The precious gamblin' riff-raff are fillin' him up with tanglefoot, proper." "Why, Mike?" Mike glanced at the silent girl and then down into the gulch below. "Miss Patty, have ye visited the claims?" "No, but I should like to." "Come, then, if ye will so pleasure an old man.

It is not to be denied that Wild Bill and myself had been partaking too freely of "tanglefoot" that evening; and General Carr said to me: "Cody, there are plenty of antelopes in the country, and you can do some hunting for the camp while we stay here." "All right, General, I'll do it."

He drew up his horse abruptly, and contemplated the grim aperture. "So they came into Tanglefoot down the road, and went out of the Cove by this tunnel?" "Yessir!" she piped. What had befallen her voice? what appalled eerie squeak was this! She cleared her throat timorously. "They couldn't hev done it later in the fall season. Tanglefoot Creek gits ter runnin' with the fust rains."

Hop got his drink, and then he had a flask filled with whisky for use later on. "Now, len," said he, blandly, "me chuck dicee to see if me pay or you givee me um tanglefoot." "No yer don't!" was the quick reply. "You fork over ther money. I ain't goin' inter no gamblin' game with you. You're too much fur me, an' I ain't ashamed ter own up ter it." Hop grinned and paid the bill.