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"Well, so was I. I doan think nauthin o' them guys that are so stuck up 'cause they enlisted, d'you?" "Not a hell of a lot." "Don't yer?" came a voice from the other side of Andrews, a thin voice that stuttered. "W-w-well, all I can say is, it'ld have sss-spoiled my business if I hadn't enlisted. No, sir, nobody can say I didn't enlist." "Well, that's your look-out," said Applebaum.

At dawn on Monday they loaded the glider upon a wagon and galloped with it out to a forty-foot hill. They stared down the easy slope, which grew in steepness and length every second, and thought about Lilienthal's death. "W-w-well," shivered the Turk, "who tries it first?" All three pretended to be adjusting the lashings, waiting for one another, till Carl snarled, "Oh, all right!

"W-w-well, when it's f-f-flooding like it is now, don't you reckon it's the right thing to keep an ark, if so be you g-g-got one? Where'd old Noah a been if he'd allowed himself to be tempted to b-b-bargain for his b-b-boat when the rain started to come down? Wish I had even a canoe myself; I'd feel easier a h-h-heap, let me tell you." Toby was beginning to take the thing very seriously.

"Yes, I did," he said; "sooner or later." "Don't fib. Don't pretend that you knew I was here." "W-w-well, no. Not just now. B-b-but I knew you'd come if if if I pretended I didn't want you to long enough." "Young and budding scientist," said she severely, "you're a gay deceiver. Is it because you have known me in some former existence that you are able thus accurately to read my character?"

"A turrible man? w-w-well," stuttered the idiot, who had of late assumed all the port of coherence; he snatched and held a part in the colloquy, so did the dignity of labor annul the realization of his infirmity, "then I'd be obleeged ter him ef ef ef he'd stay out'n Tanglefoot Cove." "So would I." The miller laughed uneasily.

"W-w-well, I'm not sure about his bein' a c-c-c-Christian." "Do you spell it T-o-m or T-h-o-m?" "Th-that depinds on t-t-taste, sor." "Bah! you're a fool!" "Thank yer honour, and I'm also an I-I-Irish m-man as sure me name's Flinders."

The observation was apparently so senseless and Katharine's love of mimicry so strong that she couldn't help replying and laughing: "J-j-j-just as w-w-well. But where's the s-s-s-s-sheep and l-l-lamb in the case?" Montgomery did not now resent her imitation of his very tone. He even condescended to laugh back; then ungallantly remarked: "I wish y-y-you'd go h-h-home." "Meaning to Aunt Eunice's.