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So admonished, Annie read. Tibbie fidgeted about on her seat. It was impossible either should understand it. And the proper names were a great puzzle to them. "Tammy Riss!" said Tibbie; "I ken naething aboot him." "Na, neither do I," said Annie; and beginning the line again, she blundered over "blind Maeonides." "Ye're readin' 't wrang, bairn.

Jocky an' Jeamy an' Tammy oot there, A' i' the boatie gaed doon; An' I'm ower auld to fish ony mair, An' I hinna the chance to droon. An' it's oh to win awa', awa'! &c. An' Jeanie she grat to ease her hert, An' she easit hersel' awa' But I'm ower auld for the tears to stert, An' sae the sighs maun blaw. An' it's oh to win awa', awa'! &c.

And there the Harrisons would have slept on till breakfast time if Yaspard had not roused them shortly after midnight. "Up, boys, up!" he said, as he shook himself. "It is high time we were off; and I hope fule-Tammy is as sound asleep now as you have been for the last five minutes." From that mention of Tammy you will guess that another raid on Trullyabister was proposed.

Falconer that a double alliance with her family was more than he had looked for and in one word, that either her son Buckhurst's marriage with his aunt Tammy, or his own marriage with Miss Georgiana, must be given up.

Tammy stared at me. "I've heard some of the old shellbacks talking about things," he said. "But I never took them really seriously." "Well," I said. "I guess we'll have to take this seriously. I wish to God we were home!" "My God! so do I," he said. For a good while after that, we both worked on in silence; but, presently, he went off on another tack.

The boys caught each other's hands and formed a circle round Tammy, dancing, laughing, shouting, like the wildest of wild savages, until he recognised some of them, and added to their mirth by squatting in the midst of them, and saying, "Weel, noo! and I thought it wis the trows! My lambs, ye can carry on like yon till ye're weary. It's no puir Tammy 'at sall stop your madram.

At command, the little dog rolled over and over, begged, and walked on his hind legs. He even permitted a pair of thin little arms to come near strangling him, in an excess of affection. Then he wagged his tail and lolled his tongue to show that he was friendly, and trotted away about his business. Tammy took an oat-cake from his pocket to nibble, and began a conversation with Mistress Jeanie.

It’s all pounded together, mixed into a paste with water and rubbed through a tammy sievethat’s how it’s done.” “Smurov told me about your powder, only father says it’s not real gunpowder,” responded Ilusha. “Not real?” Kolya flushed. “It burns. I don’t know, of course.”

"Yes, mate," he replied, eyeing me, curiously. "Yer said sumthin' about a crew." "I must have been dreaming," I said; and rose up to put away my plate. The Ghost Ships At four o'clock, when again we went on deck, the Second Mate told me to go on with a paunch mat I was making; while Tammy, he sent to get out his sinnet.

Our ship was sold; so they sent us aboard here to come home." "They may have," I said. "Indeed, from things I've heard Williams say, I'm pretty certain, he for one, guessed or knew a jolly sight more than we've any idea of." "And now he's dead!" said Tammy, solemnly. "We'll never be able to find out from him now." For a few moments, he was silent. Then he went off on another track.