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"Ben almos' 'lowed he wuz gwine out'n' his min', he wuz so 'stonished an' mazed at none er dese yer folks reco'nizin' 'im. He went back in de woods ag'in an' stayed dere all day, wond'rin' w'at he wuz gwineter do. Oncet er twicet he seed folks comin' 'long de road, an' stahted out ter speak ter 'em, but changed his min' an' slip' back ag'in.

"Yo're hearin' lies or mair-like tellin' 'em," David answered shortly. For he treated his father now with contemptuous indifference. "Seven months sin' his wife died," the little man continued meditatively. "Weel, I'm on'y 'stonished he's waited sae lang. Ain buried, anither come on that's James Moore." David burst angrily out of the room.

He seemed dreadfull grieved and 'stonished when I tole him how I had left you, and said if he could help you, he would be very glad to do it. I tole him we would pay his bill, as soon as this here trial bizness was over; and he answered: 'Tut tut; bill indeed! That poor unfortunate girl need never worry over any bill of mine. I did all I could for her mother, but the best of us fail sometimes.

I'm 'stonished." He leant forward and bent his elbows on the table; the papers fluttered in all directions, but he had forgotten about them. His gaze wide, blue and choleric was alternately bent on Ringfield and on the tumbler. The minister went pale, his heart beat spasmodically and his fingers curled and tingled.

"The lights scared it away," remarked the inventor. "But you mustn't get frightened so easily, Washington. You'll see stranger sights than that before you're through with this voyage." "Oh I wasn't 'fraid," spoke up Washington. "I were jest 'stonished, dat's all." "What did you get down on your knees for?" asked Mark with a grin.

Barbara, wrapped in an old coat of Captain Perez's, which, smelling strongly of fish, had been found in a locker, seemed to be thinking very hard and, for a wonder, saying little. At last she broke the silence. "That Mr. Major officer man was 'stonished when I called you 'Uncle Jed," she observed. "Why, do you s'pose?"

Dotty afterwards said to Prudy and Horace, "I was 'stonished when that man came to the back of my chair with the butter; but I said, 'If you please, sir, just as if I 'spected it. He don't know but my father's rich." After dinner Fly's eyes drew together, and Prudy said, "O, darling, you don't know what's going to happen.

"You go hang!" said Haley, getting up. "Come, tumble up now." Sam tumbled up accordingly, dexterously contriving to tickle Andy as he did so, which occasioned Andy to split out into a laugh, greatly to Haley's indignation, who made a cut at him with his riding-whip. "I 's 'stonished at yer, Andy," said Sam, with awful gravity. "This yer's a seris bisness, Andy. Yer mustn't be a makin' game.

And jus' as she was a-puttin' on her shoes, all ob a sudden de door opens and in walks my lordship, follyed by two men! which she was so 'stonished she could do nothing but stare, 'till my lordship sprung at her t'roat and put somefing to her nose, as made her faint away. Which ob course it mus' a been chloe-fawn." "Of course," said Ishmael; "but go on with your statement."

"How long did you have to wait for them at Baymouth?" inquired Reuben Gray. "Not a hour, sar. I arrove about sunrise at the 'Planter's, just the 'Powhatan' was a steaming up to the wharf; and so I druv on to the wharf to see if de judge and his darter was aboard, and sure nuff dere dey was! And mightily 'stonished was dey to see me and de carriage and de horses; and mightily pleased, too.