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"Thin come a foine loud rattle av glass, an' out t'rough a windie come th' half av a chair, follyed be a len'th av shtovepoipe an' a grane glass wather-pitcher. "Fer me own part, Oi'd seed such loike brick-a-brack befoor, an' besides Oi remimbered a dhrink Oi hadn't tuk earlier in th' evenin', so Oi shtarted workin' me way to th' back av th' crowd, th' bether some wan ilse c'd see.

And jus' as she was a-puttin' on her shoes, all ob a sudden de door opens and in walks my lordship, follyed by two men! which she was so 'stonished she could do nothing but stare, 'till my lordship sprung at her t'roat and put somefing to her nose, as made her faint away. Which ob course it mus' a been chloe-fawn." "Of course," said Ishmael; "but go on with your statement."

And as I couldn't find any coons, I follyed arter them; and their horses was tired, as they kept on complainin' to each other. And so they went slow and I could keep up long of 'em." "How far did you follow them?" "Well, Marster! I couldn't help it! I follyed of 'em all night." "And they never discovered you?" "No, sar, they never did.

"You went from here: now go on with your tale." "I went from here," began Timothy, obediently, and glad of even this small aid in his task. "I went from here an' I follyed the three of 'em, monkey an' man an' girl " "And the baby. That's four," corrected Dennis, junior, winking at a brother. "Hist, boy!

"Hurrah!" called out Terry, "here's the path; I follyed a straight line as I could from the water here, so I'm sure I couldn't coom out very far from the right place." Fred hurried over the ruins to his side, and a glance at the ground showed that his friend was right: there was the trail at their feet.

"Ye knows," he continued, "that yer fayther is acquainted wid the way as well as yerself; the horses are frish and strong, and he'll not spare thim; the road, too, is not as long as by the rig'lar route that we've follyed so often."

Childer should speak when they're spoke to," returned Timothy, severely, then continued, at length: "I went from here. And I follyed " Here he became so lost in retrospection that Mary tapped him on the shoulder, when he resumed as if no break had occurred: "Them four to the gate.

"Begorra, but it's meself that has it!" exclaimed Mickey, with a sudden lighting up of the countenance; "they're the same two spalpeens that took your hoss down by the Staked Plain, and then follyed ye up and did the same thing over again, just as ye was going into Fort Severn." But the scout shook his head.