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"Here come that strange old man," said Felix, the next morning, looking out of the kitchen window, which commanded a view of the road. "I do believe he's bewitched the boss." Rosa, to whom the remark was addressed, ran to the window, and saw the Recluse coming up the street. "I'm 'stonished," she said, "that Mr. Armstrong and Miss Faith give so much encouragement to these low pussons.

Deville's pleading inquiry concerning the missing girls drew from the abductors feigned expressions of surprise and regret. Turning to Winslow, Palafox said: "I'm 'stonished, captain, that you risked takin' women on board a freight boat." "Yes," added Sheldrake. "You'll blame y'rself 's long 's you live. Them bodies will come up as floaters, down about Baton Rouge." Doctor Deville groaned.

Her eyes surveyed the lad from head to foot, as if it was the first time she had seen him, and after a few minutes of silence she slowly said, "What put dat in yer head, chile?" "I don't know; it's been there this great while. It was the misery over there, I suppose," said Noll. "Well, well," said she, turning back to her dishes, "Hagar's 'stonished, she is!

"I'll put it in my porte-monnaie, sir; my sister Prudy didn't bring hers." "What makes you talk so much, Dotty Dimple?" said Prudy, "that man has been making sport of us all the time." "Did he?" said Dotty, solemnly. "I'm 'stonished at grandma Parlin letting us sell rags! Wish this wheelbarrow was in the Stiftic Ocean."

"I war 'stonished," continued the sailor, without heeding the odd interpolation of the sea-cook, "wonderful 'stonished when that flyin'-fish chucked itself aboard our bit o' plankin', an' it no bigger than the combin' o' a hatchway. What kud 'a conducted it thear, to that spot above all others o' the broad ocean? What but the hand o' that angel as sits up aloft?

Brer Fox, he in fer dem kinder pranks, en 'twa'n't no time 'fo' Brer Rabbit had ole Brer Fox harness up dar in his place, en den he make like he got ter make 'as'e en git de pills fer dem sick chilluns. Brer Rabbit wa'n't mo'n out er sight 'fo' yer come Mr. Man wid a han'ful er hick'ries, but w'en he see Brer Fox tied up dar, he look like he 'stonished. "'Heyo! sez Mr.

The string which had held it about the neck of the animal was missing, having probably been cut by the knife of the impatient Wolf. "I'll take the same back home wid me and put it on Brindle if I iver maat her; I shouldn't be so 'stonished that I couldn't spake if I should find that the spalpeen had killed her."

When me an' Miss Manuela got to de place whar I had fix on, dar was de lub-sick man sure 'nuff, an' you may b'liebe he look 'stonished to see Manuela, but he wasn't half so 'stonished as me at de way dey hoed on. What d'ee t'ink dey dooed, Sooz'n?" "Dun know. S'pose dey run into each oder's arms, an' hab a dance round like me an' you." "Nuffin ob de sort. I wouldn't hab bin suprised at dat at all.

"Does yer mean that?" she demanded, sternly. "Sartin, I does." "Yer denies kneelin' at my feet an' sayin', "Wasn't de onions made yer cry;" a pleadin' and a coaxin' till I 'sented to marry yer." "In course I does," repeated Dolf, doggedly. "Take care! Jis' tink!" "Miss Clo, dis ere ain't decorous; I'se 'stonished at yer!" With a bound like an unchained tigress Clo sprang at him.