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"Take a divan, uncle," he said airily, pushing a three-legged stool toward his guest. "I've got something to show you, something that's been handed up to me from posterity. How does that strike you for a starter in the domestic business?" He drew forward an empty soap-box, fashioned into an old-time cradle, and fitted with rude rockers at the ends.

"Wasn't that a good licking you gave him on the Ox Road, Uncle Bob?" asked Hannibal. "It was pretty fair fo' a starter, but I'm capable of doing a better job," responded Yancy. They overtook Uncle Sammy as he turned in at the squire's. "I thought I'd come and see what kind of law a body gets at this here co't of yours," the patriarch explained to Mr.

"Kick a few uh his ribs out uh place for a starter," Piegan coolly advised. "That'll he'p him remember things." Yet for all their threats Hicks obstinately refused to admit that he had ever seen Lyn Rowan. What his object was in denying knowledge we knew he possessed did not transpire till later.

In Eighteen Hundred Seventy-six, the year of the Centennial Exposition, Edison told the Exposition Managers that if they would wait a year or so he would light their show with electricity. He moved to the then secluded spot of Menlo Park to devote himself to experiments, spending an even hundred thousand dollars in equipment as a starter.

Birch bark will start a fire even when the bark is damp, and it is one of the best things you can have as a starter for an outdoor, rainy-day fire. Take your cue from the forest guides, and while in the woods always carry some dry birch bark in your pocket for a fire in case of rain. =Camp Fireplace=

There's nothing crooked about it I'm trying to do some one a good turn. Tell them to keep the taxi ready, no matter how long it takes." "Sure and I will, Mr. Green." The waiter walked away toward the front door, where he carried out Burke's instructions, slipping the second bill into the willing hand of the starter.

Just once we lined up; then down cut the flag, and "Go!" hoarse-voiced the Starter; And the thunder of hoofs, and the clanking of bits, made music to me on Crusader. Quick to the front, like a deer, sped a mare, a chestnut, making the running; But I steadied my mount, and took him far back with his weight he would need all my nursing.

She pursed her lips and looked around her. "This moss seems to be feet deep," she said at last. "You might dig up some that is dry, and with that as a starter you can add twigs." He stopped and began to tear away the moss. His hands were stiff, but he worked rapidly and before long he had a heap of the brown, dry stuff from underneath. She watched him silently.

Course, we all know Mirabelle in the Corrugated buildin', for she's been presidin' over the candy counter almost as long as the arcade shops have been open. She's what you might call an institution; like Apollo Mike, the elevator starter; or old Walrus Smith, the night watchman.

"You might try 'Casey Jones. It's better'n anything you ever wrote." "That? I guess not! That ain't her style. I mean one of my own somethin' good." "Oh, I don't know. 'Toledo Blake," mumbled Collie. "Nope! But I guess the 'Grand Old Privilege' will do for a starter." "Oh, good!" And Louise clapped her hands. "The title is splendid. Is the poem original?" The tramp bowed a trifle haughtily.