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It was a new game, and they did not quite comprehend what was expected of them. At last, however, the Timekeeper, and Starter, assisted by various members of the Kennel Club, had cleared a space into which the first entry was led with great ceremony. It was Bob, with the cordial, if ancient, Nero in the lead.

Two flags were placed in the water at the distance of 100 yards from the diving board; on this slender platform fourteen shivering specimens of humanity ranged themselves, and at the word of the starter plunged into the water with that downward plunge so incomprehensible to the uninitiated.

"Well, there is only one man I'd rather see get her than you, and that's me or I whichever is proper." "I'm not sure it's proper for either of us to get her," smiled Boyd. "Well, I'm glad you've returned anyhow; for there's an added starter." "Who is he?" "He's some primitive Western fellow like yourself! I don't know his name never met him, in fact.

Randolph personally superintended all the initial arrangements. The starter worked liked a charm. There was no wavering. A turn of the handle, and the magnificent machine spread its wings like some great bird poised for a steady flight. Hiram gave a great shout of delight. Dave smiled down at the manager proudly. "Good luck!" cried Mr. Randolph.

Seems to me, mate, that you spoke out plainer than was altogether wise by way of a starter. If 't had been me, now, I should ha' felt my way a bit; talked more in a general sort of a way, you know. I tell you it fairly took my breath away to hear you rap out about piratin' right off the reel. I'm afraid that chap Parsons 'll get suspicious next time any thing's said."

The skin was rapidly pushed off till the wings were reached. "Owls is hard, anyway," he went on, "though not so bad as Water-fowl. If ye want a real easy bird for a starter, take a Robin or a Blackbird, or any land Bird about that size except Woodpeckers." Yan got along fairly well, tearing and cutting the skin once or twice, but learning very quickly to manage it.

In a second every voice of the thousands was stilled, and there was only the noise of shuffling feet, as eager watchers stood up to see the horses. "It's a false start," said Crane, quietly, turning toward the girl. "It would have been well for you, Miss Allis, had the starter let them go.

Certainly, it was a most logical location for a man in his supposed line of work, so he entered one of the buildings, approached the starter in front of the elevators, and inquired if he knew anyone who would rent desk room. The starter furnished him with the names and room numbers of two places where he might inquire. The first of these which he visited proved satisfactory.

"Do you think I would not know. See! I put it in this pocket, which now is empty." He thrust his hand into the pocket which he had indicated. Suddenly his expression changed to astonishment. "Find it?" grinned the starter. With the blankest of looks Alcatrante pulled the purse from his pocket. "It was not there two minutes ago," he muttered.

"Now, John, here's a little rough draft of the ground that I've made on a piece of paper. Up here in the left-hand corner we've bunched the departed; took them from the old graveyard and stowed them one alongside o' t'other, on a first-come-first-served plan, no partialities, with Gran'ther Jones for a starter, on'y because it happened so, and windin' up indiscriminate with Seth's twins.