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Updated: August 1, 2024

'See at your feet the most obedient of your slaves, ma'am! he cried. 'To hear was to obey, to obey was to fly! If it's Pitt's diamond you need, or Lady Mary's soap-box, or a new conundrum, or hang it all! I cannot think of anything else, but command me! I'll forth and get it, stap me if I won't! 'My lord, it is nothing of that kind, Julia answered, her voice steady, though her cheeks burned.

And dinna ye think it'll be a' ower the toon lang or this!" "And hoo will ye meet it, mother?" "We maun tell yer father, and get him to quaiet the soutar! For her, we maun jist stap her mou wi' a bunch o' bank-notts!" "That wad jist mak it 'maist impossible for even her to forgie you or me aither ony langer!" "And wha's she to speyk o' forgivin!" The door opened, and Peter entered.

On entering Mr. Weft's shop, I faund it empty; there wasna a leeving soul within. I supposed he had gane out for a licht; and being gayan familiar wi' him, I took a stap ben to the back shop, leaving Nosey in the fore ane. I sat for twa or three minutes, but naebody made his appearance.

"I'm gauin to see whether the shirra winna be perswaudit to hang ye," answered the shepherd. "This maun be putten a stap till. Quaiet! or I'll brain ye, an' save him the trouble. Here, Janet, fess yer pot o' pitawtas. I'm gauin to toom the man's gun.

"I want Bobby i' the bed wi' me. I'll cuddle 'im an' lo'e 'im till he staps greetin'." "Nae, bonny wee, he wullna stap." The farmer picked the child up on one arm, gripped the dog under the other, and the gude wife went before with a lantern, across the dark farmyard to the cow-barn.

Alison started up and stood to face him with a lowering brow. He did not appear to see her. Sir George shook down his ruffles. "Carriage? What d'ye mean?" says he. "I ha' had no carriage this year. I came in a hackney coach." Harry turned away from him and opened the door. "Eh? Oh, stap me!" Sir George giggled and got on to his feet, "Madame, your eternally devoted."

I am going to reform, you know, and must turn him out of my service." "And pretty Mrs. Cat?" "Oh, curse pretty Mrs. Cat! she may go too." "And the brat?" "Why, you have parishes, and what not, here in England. Egad! if a gentleman were called upon to keep all his children, there would be no living: no, stap my vitals! Croesus couldn't stand it." "No, indeed," said Mr.

The moment Cosmo heard her voice, he turned to meet her, glad enough. "Eh, Aggie!" he said, "I'm pleased to see ye. It was richt guid o' ye to come to meet me! Hoo's your father, an' hoo's mine?" "They're baith brawly," she answered, "an' blithe eneuch, baith, at the thoucht o' seein' ye. Gien ye couldna luik in upo' mine the day, he wad stap doon to the castle.

He tripped along upon his tiptoes like a French dancing-master, waving his scented kerchief in front of his thin high nose, and inhaling aromatic salts from a blue phial which he carried in his left hand. 'By the Lard! he cried, 'but the stench of these filthy wretches is enough to stap one's breath. It is, by the Lard! Smite my vitals if I would venture among them if I were not a very rake hell.

No interruption was offered to his speech, even by the King, though the latter turned pale as these terrible coming events were shadowed forth before him. "His words are awsome," he muttered, "and gar the flesh creep on our banes. Will nane o' ye stap his tongue?"

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