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In the main, however," he continued, "I allus aim to write in a cheerful, comfortin' sperit, so's ef the stuff hangs fire, and don't do no good, it hain't a-goin' to do no harm, and them's my honest views on poetry."

"Don't, don't, Prime," cried the startled constable, drawing back and nearly falling in his fright into the water. "What's the use of talking about sperits now? Come let us talk about something else." "Well," grinned Primus, "if you don't see de sperit, I feel him." "Don't talk so; you're spoiling all the pleasure of the sail by such kind o' nonsense," urged Basset.

"Which, you observes, son, from these yere settin's forth, that thar's a mighty sight of difference between gents like them pards of mine an' degen'rates of the tribe of Silver Phil. It's the difference between right an' wrong; one works from a impulse of pure jestice, the other is moved of a sperit of crime; an' thar you be.

It must be so, for the Lord gets mighty little worship out of the church on rainy Sundays. If it wasn't for you and Miss Eulie I don't know what would become of the old man and all the rest of the sick and feeble foiks around here. I ask my wife why she doesn't go to see 'em sometimes. She says she has the 'sperit to go, but she hasn't time and strength.

But this air yer home," he pointed upward at a little clearing beginning, as they approached, to be visible amidst the forest, "an' ef ye air satisfied with sech ez it be, that comes from laziness stiddier a contented sperit."

"What d'ye call me?" he asked, in a state of concentrated temper that turned his face livid. "'D? What d'ye mean by 'D? D stands for that bad sperit as is too near to you college boys; he's among you always, like a ranging lion. It's like your impedence to call me by his name." "My dear Mr. Ketch! call you by his name! I never thought of such a thing," politely retorted Bywater.

"Paw always counseled peace, ef a feller warn't pushed too fur," he alleged in defense of his pacific attitude. "So does I. But Joe, hit's jest on yore own account thet I'd like ter see ye show more sperit. Folks talks erbout you too. I know what blood ye've got, commandin' blood an' ef ye got roused up onc't hit'd mek a more upstandin' man of ye.

But, by my sowl, it wasn't the same way with the man an' the woman in the house for divil a wink iv sleep, good or bad, could they get at all, wid the fright iv the sperit, as they supposed; an' with the first light they sint a little gossoon, as fast as he could wag, straight off, like a shot, to the priest, an' to desire him, for the love o' God, to come to them an the minute, an' to bring, if it was plasin' to his raverence, all the little things he had for sayin' mass, an' savin' sowls, an' banishin' sperits, an' freakenin' the divil, an' the likes iv that.

"Yo' mighty co'ect, Misses Wiley!" Narcisse gave his pretty head a little shake from side to side as he spoke. "Ah! Mr. Narcisse," she pointed at herself, "haven't I been a wife? The husband and wife they'd aht to jist be each other's guairdjian angels! Hairt to hairt sur; sperit to sperit. All the rist is nawthing, Mister Narcisse." She waved her hands. "Min is different from women, sur."

I reckon 'twas, and the tale I've 'eard many times from Mr Saunders, how this young man Martin George Martin was troubled before his crule action come to light by the young woman's sperit. 'How was that, do you know? 'No, sir, I don't exactly know how 'twas with it: but by what I've 'eard he was fairly tormented; and rightly tu.