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Updated: August 1, 2024

This boy will be taken from me. They will make a Sahib of my disciple? Woe to me! How shall I find my River? Have they no disciples? Ask. 'He says he is very sorree that he cannot find the River now any more. He says, Why have you no disciples, and stop bothering him? He wants to be washed of his sins. Neither Bennett nor Father Victor found any answer ready.

At 11.45 A. M. on the next day Highsmith, handsome, dressed in the latest mode, confident, with a fuchsia in his button-hole, sent up his card to Miss Carrington in her select apartment hotel. He was shown up and received by the actress's French maid. "I am sorree," said Mlle. Hortense, "but I am to say this to all. It is with great regret.

"NON," he answered, very decidedly; "dat piano, he vairee smart; he got plentee word, lak' de leetle yellow bird in de cage 'ow you call heem de cannarie. He spik' moch. Bot dat violon, he spik' more deep, to de heart, lak' de Rossignol. He mak' me feel more glad, more sorree dat fo' w'at Ah lak' heem de bes'!"

If Oi only had me chance again I'd stole it long ago!" "I'm sorree, but I never stole eet either, Meester Madden." "If I only had bromide!" growled the American, watching Smith's broad hairy chest lift and drop in short breaths. The Englishman opened his hot red eyes. "What's that to you, Madden?" he asked thickly. The choppy white mustache pulled down in a sneer.

He say they keep Senor O'Connor in jail six months; then have trial and shoot him with guns. Verree sorree. "'How about this revolution that was to be pulled off? I asks. "'Oh, says this Sancho, 'I think too hot weather for revolution. Revolution better in winter-time. Maybe so next winter. Quien sabe? "'But the cannon went off, says I. 'The signal was given.

'You go back in yourself, you see? 'Non; das so, sure nuff. Ah! as if a light broke in upon him 'you go in your own self. You make one leetle prayer. You say, "Le bon Fadder, oh! I want come back, I so tire, so hongree, so sorree"? He, say, "Come right 'long." Ah! das fuss-rate. Nelson, you make one leetle prayer for Sandy and me.

"Why deed you not seet by the beauteeful lady you meet again one time more on the train?" "Whom do you mean?" "The friend of Señorita Badgaire. I theenk she ees so veree pretty. She ees marreed, eh?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, she's married," muttered Carker. "You are sorree?" "Sorry?" "Si, señor. Eef she was not marreed, perhaps you would beside her seet."

"'That big sound? says Sancho, grinning. 'The boiler in ice factory he blow up BOOM! Wake everybody up from siesta. Verree sorree. No ice. Mucho hot day. "About sunset I went over to the jail, and they let me talk to O'Connor through the bars. "'What's the news, Bowers? says he. 'Have we taken the town? I've been expecting a rescue party all the afternoon. I haven't heard any firing.

She backed a few steps toward the doorway and her pliant figure bent for an instant in the prescribed form of Japanese courtesy and salutation. Then she clasped both hands together with a little cry of dismay. "Oh, so sorree," she murmured in contrition, "forgot honourable lord forbidding that."

"I hear ze madame say you are not well, monsieur," she said. "I theenk ze madame is right. It must be een your head. I am vary, vary sorree for you. You should not become so much excited." "I knew you were a wonderful actress, Bessie, but you astonish me still. When you lived on the Flying Dollars Ranch you took delight in acting a part." "What is ze Flying Dollairs Ranch?"

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