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Now, le' 's give him a reg'lar story-book name. Prince Something-or-other. What say to " "That's all settled," said old Joey, his eyes full of soap and water and squeezed so tightly together that they looked like wrinkles. "Christine Braddock named 'im this morning. I forgot to tell you, David. Your name is Snipe Jack Snipe." David flushed. "Why did she call me that?" he asked.

Upon the makeshift rustic platform sat the high dignitaries, scoutmasters, trustees the faculty, as Hervey was fond of calling them. In the big chair of honor in the center sat Mr. John Temple and alongside him Commissioner Something-or-Other and Committeeman Something Else. They had come up from the big scout wigwam, in the dense woods on the corner of Broadway and Twenty-third Street, New York.

Mitchy was honestly surprised. "I rather liked the one in the pink cover what's the confounded thing called? I thought it had a sort of a something-or-other." He had cast his eye about as if for a glimpse of the forgotten title, and she caught the question as he vaguely and good-humouredly dropped it. "A kind of a morbid modernity? There IS that," she dimly conceded. "Is that what they call it?

"There is no use making a scene, my man," he said, still speaking in French, his voice stern, but pitched in a low key. "You are Ivan something-or-other, and you know of the murder of your master. So come along." "It's a mistake," protested the other volubly in the same language. His words slurred into each other in his excitement. "I am not the man you take me for.

And quite enough too! he added, to himself, with a curious warmth under his waistcoat, which was pleasant. Wasn't there a song that went like that? Though this was fair, and that was something else, and a third was so-and-so, yet none of them was Mary Something-or-other.

"A strange coincidence," commented Don, taking Paul's arm. "You are pursuing your fancy about the nymph visible and invisible?" "Not entirely, Paul. But you may remember, if the incident has not banished the fact from your mind, that you are at present conducting me, at my request, to Something-or-other Cottage, which I had failed to find unassisted." "Quite so. We are almost there.

Marston Greyle may be one of those people it's quite possible he may have been introduced, quite casually, to Oliver at some club, or gathering, something-or-other, over there and have quite forgotten all about it. Quite possible, I think." "I agree with you as to the possibility, but certainly not as to the probability," said Mrs. Greyle, dryly.

"Who was that tall chap I see'd 'ee in talk with, up by th' Peak?" asked Un' Benny Rowett later in the day. "A Cap'n Something-or-other," answered Seth; "I didn't catch his full name." "Walked over from Troy, I s'pose? Queer how these ship-cap'ns enjoy stretchin' their legs after a passage the furriners especially. But there! 'tis nat'ral." "He wasn' a ship-cap'n."

"Did you notice that?" said Charlesworth, when he and Turner had got beyond earshot. "She called him Mr. Something-or-other." "Yes; deuced glad to hear it, too," replied the gunner. "I'd hate to see a white woman, especially an English lady, married to a native. I wonder how that girl comes to be travelling with the beggar at all."

My earliest inquiries there were addressed to the pedagogue the Reverend Something-or-other Stimcoe a drunken idiot, who yielded no information at all; and to his wife, a lady who persisted in regarding me as sent from heaven for no other purpose than to discharge her small debts. From her, again, I learned nothing.