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"Snoop is on the barn!" cried Bert, as the kite settled on the grass a few yards away. "Oh, Snoop! Snoop! are you hurt?" cried Freddie, running back a distance, so that he might get a view of the barn top. Evidently Snoop was not hurt. But he was still scared, for he stood on the edge of the roof, with his tail standing straight up. "Meow! meow! meow!" he said plaintively.

"We'll wash up a bit and join you in a few minutes, ladies," Uncle Daniel said, in his polite way. The horse accident had given plenty of need for a washing up. "Got Snoop dis time," Freddie lisped, knocking the cover off the box and petting the frightened little black cat. "Hungry, Snoopy?" he asked, pressing his baby cheek to the soft fur.

"He broke open the box and he's gone! Oh, where is Snoop?" "Ma sakes alive!" cried Dinah. The box was empty! A hurried search of the car did not bring forth the black pet. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbsey, and some of the passengers, joined in the hunt. But there was no Snoop, and a slat that had pulled loose from one side of the box showed how he had gotten out.

All kinds of traveling necessities were upset in the search. Some jelly got spilled, some fresh country eggs were cracked, but everybody was good-natured and no one complained. Yet, after a thorough overhauling of the entire car there was no Snoop to be found! "He's gone!" they all admitted, the children falling into tears, while the older people looked troubled.

"I have only Snoop, our cat, and I can carry him easily enough. You help Dinah!" "'Deed an' he had better help me!" exclaimed the colored cook. Sam took all the packages he could carry, and hurried with them to the stoop. But he had not gone very far before something happened.

"Oh, won't we have fun!" cried Freddie again. "We'll take Snoop and Snap along, and they'll like it, too." "I guess Snap will, because he's fond of the water," said Bert, with a laugh. "But Snoop doesn't care for it." "Snoop can sleep on deck in the sun," said Nan. "She'll like that. I wish I could ask one of my girl friends to come along with us for the houseboat trip.

Bobbsey said it would be the biggest he could buy. "An' I'se gwine t' stuff him wif chestnuts an' oysters," said Dinah. "I tells you what, chilluns, yo' all am suttinly gwine to hab one grand feed." "I wish everybody was," said Flossie, a bit wistfully. "I hope our cat Snoop, wherever he is, has plenty of milk, and some nice turkey bones." "I guess he will have," said Mamma Bobbsey, gently.

Bobbsey cautioned the party, as hats and wraps were donned and parcels picked up. Freddie was still very sleepy and his papa had to carry him off, while the others, with some excitement, hurried after. "Oh, Snoop, Snoop!" cried Freddie as, having reached the platform, they now saw the train start off. "I forgot Snoop! Get him quick!" "Dat kitten again!" Dinah exclaimed, with some indignation.

Next Harry stretched out both arms straight and the kittens carefully walked over into his hands. "Well, I declare!" exclaimed Dinah. "Jest see dat Snoopy kitty-cat! If he can't do real reg'lar circus tricks! And jest to think how he cut up on de cars! 'Pears like as if he was doin' it fer jokes den too!" "And look at Fluffy!" exclaimed Martha; "as white as Snoop is black!"

They asked their father that night if any of the railroad men had seen their pet, but he said none had, and added: "I'm afraid you'll have to get along without Snoop. He seems to have disappeared. But, anyhow, you have Snap." "But some one may come along and claim him," said Freddie. "That Danny Rugg says he belongs to Mr. Peterson in Millville, father," said Bert. "Well, I'll call Mr.