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An' sae lang's I live, I'll regaird this as ane o' her fedders 'at the angel moutit as she sat by the bored craig. An' whan I'm deid, I'll hae 't laid upo' my face, an' syne, maybe, I may get a sicht o' ye as I pass. Guid day my leddy." "Good day," she returned kindly. "I wish my father would let me have a row in your boat." "It's at yer service whan ye please, my leddy," said Malcolm.

He strode up to his wife, and stood over her like an angel of vengeance. His very lips were white with wrath. "Efter thirty years o' merried life, noo first to ken the wife o' my boasom for a messenger o' Sawtan!" he panted. "Gang oot o' my sicht, wuman!" She fell on her knees, and held up her two hands to him. "Think o' Jamie, Peter!" she pleaded. "I wad tyne my sowl for Jamie!"

"There may be waur things nor a bit lee. Whan they hear that at that time ye gae birth till a lad bairn, the whilk was stown awa', an' never hard tell o' till noo 'It may weel be, fowk'll say: 'them 'at has drunk wad drink again! It wad affoord rizzons, ye see, an' guid anes, for the bairn bein' putten oot a' sicht, and wad mak the haul story mair nor likly i' the jeedgment o' a' 'at hard it."

He must find another magistrate than the laird; he would not trust him where his own gamekeeper, Angus Mac Pholp, was concerned. "Keep yer ee upon him, Janet," he said, turning in the doorway. "Dinna lowse sicht o' him afore I come back wi' the constable. Dinna lippen. I s' be back in three hoors like." With these words he turned finally, and disappeared.

Lord hae a care o' 's! sic bonnie feet! Wi' blisters I mean. I never saw sic a sicht o' raw puddin's in my life. Ye're no fit to come doon the stair again. All the time she was tenderly washing and bathing the weary feet. When she had dressed them and tied them up, she took the tub of water and carried it away, but turned at the door.

Here I interrupted, "O yes! Do you remember a poet's lines to the little bourne in his childhood's home? A poet in that land where poetry is a rare plant I mean Scotland. I mean the lines: How men that niver have kenned aboot it Can lieve their after lives withoot it I canna tell, for day and nicht It comes unca'd for to my sicht."

But although he tried hard to make Janet say what he could do for her more, he could not bring her to reveal any desire that belonged to this world except, indeed, for two or three trifles for her husband's warmth and convenience. "The sicht o' my Lord's face," she said once, when he was pressing her, "is a' 'at I want, Sir Gibbie.

It's a bonnie sicht tae see the pure grain fallin' like a rinnin' burn on the corn-room floor, and a glint o' the sun through the window turning it intae gold. "Ye mean," said the minister, "that my study is the threshin' mill, and that some of the chaff has got into the pulpit." "Yir no offended," and Marget's voice trembled.

Bawbie was juist gaen awa' to hae her efternune cup yesterday, an' I was chappin' oot the dottle o' my pipe on the corner o' the chumla, when it flaw oot an' gaed oot o' sicht some wey. I socht heich an' laich for't, but na, na; it wasna to be gotten. I thocht syne it had gane into the fire. But it's my opinion noo, it had fa'in' into Bawbie's teapot!

"Weel," he would return with a smile, "gang to yer frien' Thamas Crann, and he'll gie ye something a hantle better. That's ane o' the maist extrornar men I ever made acquantance wi'. He'll gie ye divine philosophy�-a dooms sicht better nor mine. But, eh! he's saft for a' that." Annie would have got more good from these readings than either of them.