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Updated: August 3, 2024

There stood a tall student, a wet towel about his head, and, behind him, the rafters of the dormer-lighted closet were as thickly hung with bunches of dried herbs from the Botanical Garden as any auld witch wife's kitchen. "Oh, are ye kennin' 'im? Isna he bonny an' sonsie? Gie me the shullin' an' twapenny ha' penny we're needin', so the police wullna put 'im awa'." "Losh!

Out with my shullin' an' fourpence! None of yer sneakin' ways with me; a bargain's a bargain all the world over! Yer're making a fortin' with my babby yer know y' are; pays yer a good deal better than yer old trade! Don't say it don't yer know it do.

A shrewd-eyed woman pounced upon Bobby and captured him. "He's no' an ordinar' dog. Some leddy has lost her pet. I'll juist shut 'im up, an' syne she'll pay a shullin' or twa to get 'im again." With a twist and a leap Bobby was gone. He scrambled straight up the steep, thorn-clad wall of the glen, where no laddie could follow, and was over the crest.

"But, ma guid man, I haena a copper aboot me, or it's wullin' enough I'd be to gie ye a shullin' or so for this fine drive." "Well, off you get then the next time we stop." "But shurely ye wadna be pittin' a puir man oot o' yer waggon, or chapel, or whatever ye ca' it, whan there's sae mony empty pews? I'm no croodin' onyane, an' I'm wullin' enough to sit onywhere."

Tammy, gin ye tak' 'im up to Maister Traill, he'll gie ye the shullin'!" "I couldna tak' 'im by ma lane," was the pathetic confession. "Wad ye gang wi' me, Ailie? Ye could drap ower an' catch 'im, an' I could come by the gate. Faither made me some grand crutches frae an' auld chair back." Tears suddenly drowned the lassie's blue eyes and ran down her pinched little cheeks. "Nae, I couldna gang.

As if her words had been a powerful incantation to summon forth an evil spirit, a door in one of the miserable houses was thrown open, and a stout woman, nearly naked to the waist, with a swollen, blotched, and most hideous countenance, rushed out furiously, and darting at Liz, shook her violently by the arm. "Where's my shullin'?" she yelled, "where's my gin? Out with it!

"Put it to the bit Skye noo. If he tak's the Queen's shullin' he belongs to the army." The sergeant flipped a coin before Bobby, who was wagging his tail and sniffing at the military boots with his ever lively interest in soldiers. He looked up at the tossed coin indifferently, and when it fell to the floor he let it lie. "Siller" has no meaning to a dog.

And then, after calculation on his fingers, "It'll tak' a shullin' an' twapenny ha'penny mair." There was a gasping breath of bitter disappointment, and one wee laddie wailed for lost Bobby. At that Ailie dashed the tears from her own eyes and sprang up, spurred to desperate effort. She would storm the all but hopeless attic chambers.

Ye'll hae to pay a shullin' or twa to a barber, an' Bobby'll be sae set up there'll be nae leevin' wi' 'im. Sit ye doon an' tell me aboot the collar, man." "I can no' stop now to wag my tongue. Here's the gude-wife. I'll just help her get you awa' to your bed." It was dark when he returned to the gate, and the Castle wore its luminous crown.

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