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"And so is mine, Hurry, on all the different heads, and on no one is it more sartainly settled that on your'n. If I was you, I should say 'Deerslayer, tell them scamps they don't know Harry March! He is human; and having a white skin, he has also a white natur', which natur' won't let him desart females of his own race and gifts in their greatest need.

The law is that an Injin must have what he wants, and no grumblin', and we take care to want enough. If you'll be at the meetin', I'll tell you how you'll know me." "Ja, ja dat ist goot; I vill be at der meetin', sartainly. Vhere might it be?" "Down at the village. The word came up this a'ternoon, and we shall all be on the ground by ten o'clock."

"What sign, or signal, told the young maiden that her lover was nigh?" asked the Huron with more curiosity than it was usual for him to betray. Deerslayer laughed again, and seem'd to enjoy the success of the exploit, with as much glee as if he had not been its victim. "Your squirrels are great gadabouts, Mingo," he cried still laughing-"yes, they're sartainly great gadabouts!

I sartainly myself does consider that that ere dog could not a have cummed into this here vessel by any manner of means natural not by no means, 'cause it's very clear, that a dog if he be as he be a dog, can't do no more than other dogs can; and if he can do more than heither dog or man can, then he must be the devil, and not a dog and so he is that's sartain.

Of course if you continue prosperous, we will reclaim our share of it on our return hither." "Ah, you is too goot," cried the warm-hearted German, seizing Frank's hand and wringing it, "bot I vill nevair use de nuggut nevair! You sall find him here sartainly ven you do com bak." "Well, I hope so, for your own sake," said Frank, "because that will show you have been successful.

"Lira, lira, la, la, la! lira, lara, la, la, la! augh! whaugh! bother!" "So my good-nature does not please you, Bunting." "Oh, Sir, it does not sinnify: we shall have our throats cut that's all. "What! you don't believe the story." "I? Bless your honour, I am no fool." "Bunting!" "Sir." "You forget yourself." "Augh!" "So you don't think I should have lent the horse?" "Sartainly not."

Sartainly few has seen it; but all of 'em has seen them as has seen it; ships, and land, too; but mostly ships. Hows'ever, I had a messmate once as was sailing past a rock they call Ailsa Craig, and saw a regiment of soldiers a-marching in the sky. Logged it, did the mate; and them soldiers was a-marching between two towns in Ireland at that very time."

"The strawberry season is not over, I believe" "Oh! I can give you strawberries and cream," interrupted the hospitable Mrs. Perkins. "And would you be so kind as to give them to us in the veranda? The sun does not shine in, and it will be pleasanter in the open air." "Sartainly.

"But then," said the warlike Timothy, not willing to lose sight of reprisal even in vague reminiscence, "he hed only one hand ter rob with arter that, fur I hev hearn ez how when gran'dad got through with him the doctor hed ter take his arm off." "Sartainly, sartainly," admitted the old man, in quiet assent.

"Hist can't be so wicked as to believe any such thing," returned the other, earnestly. "No Indian hunts after he is dead." "No wicked Indian, I grant you; no wicked Indian, sartainly. He is obliged to carry the ammunition, and to look on without sharing in the sport, and to cook, and to light the fires, and to do every thing that isn't manful.