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And to begin, captain, I will jist observe, as before, that if you don't take my offer, and close with me hard and fast, you will roast at an Injun stake jist as sartainly as you are now snugging by an Injun fire; you will, d n me, there's no two ways about it!" "The terms, the terms?" cried Roland, eagerly: "name them; I will not dispute them." But the renegade was in no such hurry.

"Little fear of our missing that, if we keep this path in the middle of the lake," returned the young man. "Natur' has made us a road here, and, dim as it is, there'll be little difficulty following it." "Do you hear nothing, Deerslayer? It seemed as if the water was stirring quite near us!" "Sartainly something did move the water, oncommon like; must have been a fish.

"Why sartainly I do. Ain't it better nor whippin' to death? "What's a Stole arter all? It's nothin' but a coat. Philosophizin' on it, Stranger, there is nothin' to shock a man. The dead don't feel. Skinnin', then, ain't cruel, nor is it immoral. To bury a good hide, is, waste waste is wicked.

It was a comfortable little place, and arter she 'ad poured me out a glass of 'er father's whisky, and filled my pipe for me, I wouldn't ha' changed places with a king. Even when the pipe wouldn't draw I didn't mind. "'May I write a letter? she ses, at last. "'Sartainly, I ses. "She got out her pen and ink and paper, and wrote. 'I sha'n't be long, she ses, looking up and nibbling 'er pen.

The next trial was when I found the rifle that is sartainly the only one in this part of the world that can be calculated on as surely as Killdeer, and knowed that by taking it, or even hiding it, I might at once rise to be the first shot in all these parts. I was then young, and by no means so expart as I have since got to be, and youth is ambitious and striving; but, God be praised!

"Sartainly," said Andy, who drew the lease from his pocket and handed it to her, and as he was near to her he attempted a little familiarity, which Matty repelled very unequivocally. "Arrah! is it jokes you are crackin'?" said Andy, with a grin, advancing to renew his fondling.

That was hint enough, but I kep' a-thinkin' that ef we behaved decent like, an' minded our own business we sartainly must win out. We did," he added grimly after a little pause, "like hell. An' how many others of th' settlers has gone through th' like? We ain't no tin gods ourselves, I own, but we got t' fight fire with fire.

"Here's your fifteen bob; are you going to give me that watch and chain?" "Sartainly not," I ses. "I don't know wot you mean by a watch and chain. If I 'ad it and I gave it to anybody, I should give it to Sam's widder, not to you." "It's nothing to do with 'er," ses Joe, very quick. "Sam was most pertikler about that." "I expect you dreamt it all," I ses.

"No, 't would never do to abandon the missus," said Biddy, "and she on the wrack wid us, and falin' the want of wather as much as ourselves." "We three have sartainly gone through much in company," returned Jack, "and it ought to make us friends for life."

"'Sartainly, said I, 'any thin' you please: I leave it entirely to you; jist name what you think proper, and I will liquidate it. "'I said, I knew you would behave like a gentleman, Sir, sais he, 'for, sais I, don't talk to me of law, name it to the gentleman, and he'll do what is right; he'll behave liberal, you may depend. "'You said right, sais I, 'and now, Sir, what's the damage?